Page:Early western travels, 1748-1846 (1907 Volume 7).djvu/34

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  • Fracas—Introduction of civilization—Commotion—M'Kenzie—Great

Snake River—Caches robbed—Canadian
wanderers—Character of the Shahaptains—Visit to
Spokane—M'Tavish—Account of the war—Winter travels—M'Kenzie
at Astoria—New resolves—M'Kenzie's return
to his post—Indian chiefs—Bold enterprize—Property
recovered—Chiefs and their horses—Strategems—Indians
outwitted—Plotting—Friendly Island—Conference—Marauding
propensities—Treaty of peace—System
changed—Plentiful market—The island abandoned—Arrival
at Walla Walla—Commotions among the savages—Tummeatapam—Arrival
at Astoria 207


Mr. Stuart—Snake River—Trappers—Joyous meeting—Trapper's
resolution—Crow Indians' troubles—Horses change
masters—Mr. Stuart on foot—M'Lellan left alone—Hardships
of the party—Famine—Le Clerc's horrid proposition—The
old bull—The old horse—Pilot-knobs—Winter
quarters—Unwelcome visitors—Change of quarters—Spring—Travelling
at random—An Otto-Indian—River
Platte—Two traders—News of the war—The Missouri—The
old horse given for an old canoe—St. Louis—Mr.
Astor—Wallamitte—Falls—Scenery—Habits of the Col-*lap-poh-yea-ass
tribes—Concourse of savages—M'Dougall's
letter—{xiii} M'Kenzie's stratagem—Indian disappointment—The
ship Beaver—Coasting voyage—Mr.
Astor's policy—Captains—Their instructions—Mr. Hunt
baulked in his plans—The Boston merchants—Mr.
Astor's conduct—Difficulties of Mr. Hunt's situation—The
ship Albatross—All the parties at head-quarters 222


Meeting of the partners—Warm discussion—M'Kenzie—Eloquence
of the times—Reasons for dissolving the company—Dissenting
partners converted—Final resolve—The
deputy's powers—Departure of the brigade—A canoe lost—A
man's leg in jeopardy—Rumours at the narrows—*