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Without taking up either time or room in saying word about the merits of this little work, the Editor leaves the contents to show its value.

To the wife of the man in humble life is especially confided the superintendence of the domestic affairs, and on her tasteful, as well as prudent, way of managing them depends the comfort of every member of the family. By a faithful and satisfactory discharge of her duties, she will not only maintain the husband’s respect and attachment, but secure many advantages to her children. The "young gudewife" may find our information and advice very suitable for assisting her to that experience and economy so necessary in her several duties.

The general marketing for the house is among the foremost of these duties; such as the choice and purchase of meat, fish, vegetables, groceries, and various stores for domestic uses; the curing of meat, the preserving of fruit, and so on.


Beef is never out of season, but yet is best in November, December, and January. The fat should be white and pure; the lean smooth and glossy, and a bright red colour. When the fat is of a deep yellow colour, the beef is not so likely to be good.