Page:Elegy on Jamie Gemmill, tailor.pdf/4

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Or hae ye seen him on the street,
Wi’ twa auld bauchles on his feet,
Gaun todlin thro’ the rain an’ weet
Like wan’ring jew,
To see gin he wad chance to meet
A frien’ sae true.

As bid him come and get a gill,
Or yet a drink o’ nappy yill;
For Jamie weel coud drink his fill
O’ them I trew;
And laith was he to rise, until
He did get fou.

Or hae ye seen him sittin’ crackin,
In Tammy’s Taproom ower a chappin,
For to keep a’ the company lauchin
He was na laith,
By tellin them he breeks wad mak them
Without the claith.