Page:Elegy on Jamie Gemmill, tailor.pdf/5

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Or hae ye taen him to yer hame,
To mak claes for yersel or wean?
An' bottle by his side has lain
O’ reemin nappy,
That Jamie ilka noo and then
Micht tak a drappy.

For Jamie weel coud use the thumle,
An' was wi’ needle aye fu’ nimle,
An ne’er about the price wad grumle
O’ ony job,
But aft wad drink until he’d tumle
Clean aff the broad.

But noo alas! puir Jamie’s gane,
Like mony mae to his lang hame;
An’ in the cauld kirk yard is lan
Past a’ remead,
Nae mair for to return again
Sin’ he is dead.