Page:Elementary Lessons In The Swatow Dialect with a Vocabulary referring to Dr. Douglas’ Dictionary of the Amoy Vernacular.djvu/21

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LESSON VIII.—Monetary.
  1. One dollar.
  2. A dollar and a half.
  3. Half a dollar.
  4. Over a dollar.
  5. This “ngṳ̂n” is very difficult to pronounce.
  6. Practise it, and it will not be difficult. [easier.
  7. When one is accustomed to hearing it, it is
  8. A dollar is divided into ten sek (Chinese).
  9. One sek is divided into ten cents.
  10. Ten dollars and sixty-six cents.
  11. One tael.
  12. One tael is equal to about a dollar and a half.
  13. Nine mace.
  14. Nine cash.
  15. One tael, seven mace, six candareens.
  16. What is a dollar worth now in cash?
  17. It is worth one thousand and eighty cash.
  18. How much wages do you want a month?
  19. I want four dollars a month.
  20. This is too much.
  21. If I find my own food, it’s not very much.
  22. Of course you find yourself.
  23. I can’t take less (or do it for less.)
  24. Have you ever done this work before?
  25. I have done a little.
  26. You ought not to spend this money.
  27. You ought to send it home.
  28. Does he gamble?
  29. I fancy he does.
  30. If he gambles I shall not employ him.
  31. You tell him what I say.
  32. He says he won’t dare do so again.