Page:Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition, v. 17.djvu/466

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436 Only one illustrated daily paper is published in America, the Daily Graphic of New York. It prints regularly woodcuts and other engravings on four of its eight pages. The illustrated weeklies are numerous, the best known in New York being Harper s Weekly, Harper s Bazar, and Frank Leslie s Illustrated Paper. Elaborate as are the newspaper returns given in the successive census reports of the United States, they are only to be relied upon for precise information when limited to papers of daily issue. The classification of the main returns is headed "periods of issue"; and, although there is a subsidiary classification, according to character, this fails to elicit even the simple distinction between newspapers and magazines. Of the 5871 publications shown by the census of 1870, 4333 are classed as political. The 11,314 of the 1880 census are classified thus : devoted to news, politics, and family reading, 8863; religious, 553 1 ; agricultural, horticultural, &c., 173; commerce and trade, 284 ; financial, 25 ; insurance and railroads, 54 ; general literature (including magazines), 189 ; medicine and surgery, 114 : law, 45 ; science and mechanics, 68 ; freemasonry, oddfellowship, temperance, &c., 149 ; educational, 248 ; children s periodicals, 219; miscellaneous, 330. The Sunday newspapers (included in the above figures) numbered 252. The arrangement [UNITED STATES. is different from that of former returns, and, in this absence of uniformity, we cannot give any precise statement, at once com parative and detailed, of the progress of American journalism. Nor will the Directories of the well-known advertising houses of agency such as those of Pettengill and of Hubbard serve tho purpose, for reasons which are thus stated by the able statistician who edited the Population and Social Science Tables " in the census report of 1870. "There are," he writes in his prefatory remarks, "very considerable numbers of issues of .... sheets, intended for distribution at places of public amusement, and a dozen other forms of advertisement, more or less disguised under a show of presenting news or criticism to the public To swamp statistics [of newspapers] ... by inconsiderately admitting hundreds of ... advertising sheets, would be undoubtedly an abuse." But shoals of such are recorded in Pettengill s Directory and in Hubbard s Record. The following figures are from the official returns for 1850, 1870, and 1880. "Class papers" are included among the newspapers for 1850 and 1870, while the heading in the census tables of 1880 is "newspapers and periodicals. " The 1880 returns do not furnish statistics of annual circulation. The aggregate circulation per issue of the 971 dailies in 1880 was 3,566,395, and that of the 10,343 other papers (8633 of which were published weekly and 1167 monthly) 28,213,291. General Statistics of the Newspaper Press of the United States for 1850, 1870, and 1880 respectively. States and Territories.* 1S50. 1870. 1880. Popula tion. No. of News papers. Total Circula tion. Aggregate No. of Copies Printed Annually. Popula tion. No. of News papers. Total Circula tion. Aggregate No. of Copies Printed Annually. Popula tion. No. of Daily Papers. Total No. of Periodi cals. Total Circula tion. 1. Maine 583,109 317,976 314,120 994,514 147,545 370,792 3,097,394 489,555 2,311,786 91,532 583,034 51,687 1,421,661 869,039 668,507 906,185 87,445 771,623 606,526 517,762 212,592 209.897 1,002,717 982,405 682,044 851,470 988,416 1,980,329 397,654 305,391 192,214 92,597 13,294 29 22 27 91 13 28 278 45 210 8 40 16 67 37 29 26 7 46 40 40 15 . 6 38 44 42 74 84 198 40 42 26 4 1 29,695 32.186 33,990 222,087 20,575 34,916 527.125 40,444 338,336 6,600 32,337 99,787 56,188 25,439 36,415 23,946 3,500 25,336 26,380 57,522 9,750 3,950 34,757 56,736 48,340 52,401 47,900 202,785 28,993 29,236 21,350 2,000 510 2,501,680 1,673,672 2,025,430 46,587,800 2,476,150 3,422,432 82,780,025 3,917,047 59,717,508 .374,400 4,205,324 11,045,336 7,950,076 1,571,414 6,451,330 2,238,690 202,800 2,202,169 1,519,024 11,691,324 808,800 205,400 5,642,510 5,496,288 5,496,280 3,787,932 3,569,324 23,086,087 2,582,836 2,517.487 1,469,000 626,000 26,520 626,915 318,300 330,551 1,457,351 217,353 532,454 4.382,759 906,096 3,521,951 125,015 780,894 131,700 1,225,163 1,071,361 705,606 1,184,109 187,748 996,992 827,922 726,915 818,579 484,471 1,258,520 1,321,011 1,721,295 2,539,891 1,680,637 2,665,260 1,184,059 1.054,670 1,194,020 560,247 90,923 9,658 39,867 14,181 14,999 367.399 439,706 20.595 122.993 42,491 91,874 86,786 23,955 9,118 65 51 47 259 32 71 835 122 540 17 88 22 173 64 55 110 23 189 111 92 112 56 91 89 270 505 203 395 211 190 233 201 35 1 14 3 6 97 95 10 42 12 5 10 14 6 170.600 173,919 71,390 1,692,124 82,050. 203,725 7,561,497 205,500 3,419,765 20,860 235,450 81,400 198,272 64,820 80,900ri 150,987 10,545 91,165 71,868 84,165 55,250 29,830 225,952 197,130 522,866 1,722,541 363,542 1,388,367 253,774 343,385 219,090 491,903 45,750 280 12,750 1,651 2,750 96,803 110,778 19,580 31,600 11,300 1,525 14,250 6,785 1,950 9,867,680 7,237,588 4,055,300 129,691,266 9,781,500 17,454,740 471,741,744 18,625,740 241,170,540 1,607,840 33,497,778 10,092,800 17,331,978 6,684,900 8,901,400 15,539,724 649,220 9,198,980 4,703,336 13,755,690 4,214,800 1,824,860 18,300,844 18,270,160 47,980,422 113,140,492 28,964,984 98,548,814 19,686,978 28,762,920 16,403,380 47,472,756 3,657,300 14,560 1,190,600 85,904 200,200 9,518,176 9,543,656 2,860,600 3,388,500 2,572,000 137,350 1,578,400 396,500 243,300 648,936 346,991 332.286 1,783,085 276.531 622,700 5,082,871 1,131,116 4,282,891 146,608 934,943 177,624 2,131,022 1,399,750 995,577 1,542,180 269,493 1,262,505 1,131,597 939,946 1,591,749 802,525 1,542,359 1,648,690 2,168,380 3,077,871 1,978,301 3,198,062 1,636,937 1,315,497 1,624.615 864,694 174,768 40,440 194,327 135,177 32,610 996.096 780,773 39,159 452,402 62,266 119,565 143,963 75,116 20,789 12 10 5 39 8 17 115 27 98 5 15 5 20 13 4 16 3 6 5 13 30 6 12 11 43 74 40 56 33 21 30 58 7 6 19 9 20 10 4 15 14 3 5 4 3 123 87 82 427 44 139 1,411 215 973 26 143 44 194 142 81 200 45 125 123 112 280 117 193 205 530 1,017 467 774 464 340 569 361 74 17 87 67 10 347 223 18 189 37 18 22 29 11 6,214,460 185,968 130,192 2,012,929 97,121 237,660 9,374,134 249,478 5,031,061 34,425 414,693 213,923 256,471 105,501 69,902 269,066 27,332 93,073 87,904 131,630 263,289 103,501 293,288 397,564 965,285 2,421,275 661,111 3,093,931 620,974 436,576 547,340 640,026 85,786 13.550 95,744 36,943 5,650 280,729 222,074 20,827 154,570 27,745 6,355 36,175 16,751 5,686 2. New Hampshire 3. Vermont 4. Massachusetts 5. Ilhode Island 6. Connecticut 7. New York 8. New Jersey 9. Pennsylvania 10. Delaware 11. Maryland 12. District of Columbia 13. Virginia 14. North Carolina 15. South Carolina 16. Georgia 17. Florida 18. Alabama. 19. Mississippi 20. Louisiana 21. Texas 22. Arkansas 23. Tennessee 24. Kentucky 25. Missouri 26. Illinois 27. Indiana 28. Ohio 29. Michigan 30. Wisconsin. ... 31. Iowa 32. California 33. Oregon States, &c., formed between 1850 and 1870. 34. Arizona 35. Colorado 36. Dakota 37. Idaho 38. Kansas 40. Montana 43. New Mexico 44 Utah Totals 23,112,872 1,713 2,211,512 309,868,095 38,558,371 5,871 20,842,475 1,508,548,250 50,155,783 971 11,314 31,779,686 The order of the States is here given as they are enumerated in the official tables of the census of 1850. In recent censuses the States are placed alphabetically. Of the 11,314 periodicals in 1880, 10,515 were in English, 641 in German, 49 in Danish and Scandinavian, 41 in French, and 26 in Spanish. The number of "journalists" in the United States in 1880 was returned as 12,308 (12,020 males and 288 females). If we adopt Hubbard s newspaper statistics of 1880 for the United States collectively, including, as they do, a considerable number of sheets which contain advertisements only, and which therefore are rejected from the official lists adopted by the statists of the census office at Washington, while, on the other hand, trade- 1 Including Methodist, 75 ; Roman Catholic, 70 ; Baptist, 63 ; Presbyterian, 42; Episcopal, 32; and " unsectarian, " 96. journals and class-journals (embraced in the census returns), which contain no "news" and no politics, are excluded, and add to them the number of newspapers published within the Dominion oi Canada, we obtain a grand total for the North American continent, as a whole, of 10,131 "newspapers" of all sorts. Of these, 899 are published daily, 8428 weekly or twice or thrice a week, and 804 at longer intervals. The aggregate circulation of the whole number amounts to about 20,680,000 copies ; and the aggregate annual issue of the whole somewhat exceeds 1,836,476,000 copies. That, on the whole, industrialism has too much over-weighted literature in the development of American journalism is the state ment of the most observant and thoughtful of American publicists