Page:Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition, v. 23.djvu/895

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UNIVERSITIES 857 Other degrees are the Victoria University at Cobonrg (1836), supported Canadian by the Methodist Church of Canada ; Queen s University, Kingston uuiver- (1841), representing the Presbyterian body; and the university of sities. Trinity College, Toronto, founded in 1851 on the suppression of the faculty of divinity in King s College. Lennoxville is a centre for uni versity instruction in conformity with Church of England principles. In Africa, an Act for the incorporation of the university of the Cape of Good Hope received the royal assent 26th June 1873, the council being empowered to grant degrees in arts, law, and medicine. In the United States of America university education has received a great extension, without, however, exercising in Europe that reflex influence discernible in so many other relations. The report of the commissioners of education for 1883-84 gives a list of no less than 370 degree-giving universities or colleges ; but of these a large proportion are sectarian, others represent only a single faculty, and nearly nine-tenths have been founded within the last thirty- five years. Although a higher education has unquestion ably been thus very widely diffused, the undue multiplica tion of centres has, in some provinces, lowered the standard of attainment and led to a consequent depreciation in the value of university degrees. This tendency it was sought to counteract in the State of Ohio, some twenty-five years ago, by an organization of the different colleges. The in struction given is, in most cases, almost gratuitous, the charge to each student being less than 30 dollars a year. This cheapening of a higher education is not, however, attended with quite the same results as in Germany (where lads with little aptitude for a professional career are thus attracted to the professions), the rapidly increasing popula tion and the wider scope for mechanical or agricultural pursuits probably exercising a beneficial counteracting influence. The distinguishing characteristics which belong to these numerous centres are described by the president of the Johns Hopkins University, in an address delivered at Harvard in 1886, as suggestive of four different classes of colleges, (1) those which proceed from the original historic colleges, (2) those established in the name of the State, (3) those avowedly ecclesiastical, (4) those founded by private benefactions. To the first class belong Harvard College and Yale College with their offshoots. Of these two, the former was founded in 1638 at Cambridge, Mas sachusetts, by a former fellow of Emmanuel College at Cambridge in England, and represented the Puritan tenets for which the parent society was at that time noted ; the latter was founded in 1701 by the combined action of a few of the ministers of the State, a charter being given in the same year by the colonial legislature. It was for a long time chiefly supported by the Congregationalists, but is now unsectarian. The total number of students at Harvard in 1882 was 988, at Yale 692. The university of Pennsylvania was founded in 1751 by Thomas Penn and Richard Penn, on the lines of a scheme drawn up by Benjamin Franklin, and was from the first placed on a basis comprising all denominations. It is distinguished by the liberality with which it has opened its courses of instruc tion to the inhabitants of the city generally ; the degree of Ph.D. is conferred on all comers after due examina tion. At Haverford and Lafayette Colleges, and also at the Lehigh university, " advanced degrees " are offered " only for higher study, prolonged beyond the collegiate course," instead of being conferred as a matter of routine after a certain term of years. The Johns Hopkins Uni versity, also an unsectarian body, was founded at Baltimore in 1867, and is already a school of established reputation, and especially resorted to by those designing to follow the profession of teachers. It is also distinguished by the possession of fellowships, to be held only by students in tending to pursue some especial line of original research. Other steadily growing centres are Columbia College in New York, founded in 1754; the Cornell University, also unsectarian, recently enriched by the acquisition of a con siderable endowment ; Brown s University in Providence ; and those of Princeton, Michigan, Virginia, and California. At Amherst College, where the number of students in 1882 was 339, the experiment has recently been made of par tially dispensing with examinations during the course of Harvard College. Yale College. Univer sity of Pennsyl vania. Johns Hopkins Univer sity. Amherst College. States and Territories. No. of Colleges. Preparatory Department. Collegiate Department. Income from Productive Funds. Receipts in 1883 from Tuition Fets. Volumes in College Libraries. Value of Grounds, Buildings, and Apparatus. No. of Instructors. No. of Students. No. of Instructors. No. of Students. Alabama 4 5 11 3 3 1 1 G 29 15 19 8 15 10 3 10 7 9 5 3 JO 5 1 4 29 9 33 G 2 1 9 20 11 7 2 8 2 1 2 1 18 33 10 6 83 31 37 30 27 20 29 2!) 7 5 34 20 "2 76 18 106 9 59 17 34 25 3 28 6 1 9 8 169 665 1,211 295 176 2,795 1,577 2,3fi9 1,304 835 1,418 393 209 I,fi04 449 500 1,742 750 "(JS 2,289 373 4,002 589 1,828 478 1,712 1,274

  • 71

49 9 J6 32 59 259 285 46 21 135 26 76 6 55 232 131 188 78 114 86 35 118 168 117 73 24 180 46 1C 76 443 66 327 34 295 17 46 151 97 20 78 15 93 7 63 14 332 230 933 86 958 58 459 1,998 1,615 1,266 459 1,182 372 339 821 2,010 1,029 499 241 2,057 127 232 602 3,641 758 2,601 2R3 2,19-) 270 371 1,284 1,161 102 803 210 631 100 442 "10 $24.000 750 109,500 4,422 84,991 4,980 17^500 98,724 52,217 59,455 18,050 56,825 14,556 45,883 228,734 364,592 84,825 51,064 1.200 81,773 3,360 30,000 71,500 619,811 20,750 170,713 1!),200 044,574 40,157 T.1.600 89,090 1,300 15,200 39,0-39 6,400 62,627 CO, G42 s s sao 46,200 2,007 119,393 " - 500 139,477 23,350 75,736 16,166 64,292 38,601 21,450 48,275 162,438 76,586 33,422 7,976 124,359 6,864 14,000 16,410 544,580 20,500 110,368 16,100 137,533 33,756 10,530 53,293 60,346 6,179 21,629 5,200 19,310 lo. sso 6,530 6,300 16,500 2,820 53,100 9,800 173,000 3,000 io, soo 145,649 80,594 61.581 33,300 4!), 290 38,078 61,050 74.400 312,551 80,865 26,037 10,800 94,707 17,087 55,000 68,000 274,334 38,600 169,052 10,330 185,718 53 522 2l oOO 60.334 12,948 34,855 92,100 7,000 54,585 132 44,000 2,913 2,350 $300,000 109,000 1,921,000 340,000 1,409,630 30.000 380,000 2,501,000 1,120,000 1,378,000 500,000 920,500 707,000 813,500 819,500 2,261,027 1,380,984 820,765 480,000 2,794 / OO 267,000 100,000 810,000 7,859.163 640,500 2,899,234 279,950 4,338,099 1,250,000 320,000 1,568,749 342,000 395,000 1,650,000 200,000 948,700 35,000 1,200,000 70,000 180.00J Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Illinois Indiana Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maryland Massachusetts Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Nebraska New Hampshire New Jersey New York North Carolina Ohio Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina Tennessee Texas Vermont Virginia West Virginia Wisconsin Dakota District of Columbia Utah Washington... Total 370 829 32,755 3,815 32,767 $3,018,624 $- ,105,565 2,541,782 $46,339,301 xxnr.