Page:Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition, v. 5.djvu/757

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1740-1756.] February 9. Delhi entered, March 8. The Mogul restored and made tributary, April. Subsidy treaty between Great Britain and Denmark, March 25. Siege of Belgrade by Turks. Capture of Choczim by Russians, August 29. Capture of Jassy, September 14. Peace of Belgrade between the emperor and the Porte, September 18. England declares war against Spain, October 30. Peace be tween Russia and the Porte, November. Porto Bello taken by Admiral Vernon, November 22. Birth of Dumouriez (died", 1823). Foundling Hospital, London, established by Thomas Coram. Whitefield begins open-air preaching. 1740. Frederick II., the Great, king of Prussia, May 31. Belgrade restored to Turkey, June. Benedict XIV. pope, August 17. Death of the Emperor Charles VI. October 20. Under the Pragmatic sanction his daughter Maria Theresa, succeeds as queen of Hungary and Bohemia ; opposed by elector of Bavaria. Ivan VI. emperor of Russia, October 29. Invasion of Bokhara and Kharismia by Nadir Shah. Frederick II. invades Silesia, December 16. Birth of Boswell (died, 1795). 1741. Battle of Mollwitz, victory of Frederick II. over Austrians, April 10. Cartagena attacked by Admiral Vernon, April 27. Treaty of Nymphenburg between Spain and Bavaria, May. Alliance between George II. and Maria Theresa, June 24. Coronation of Maria Theresa as queen of Hungary, June 25. Elector of Bavaria invades Austrian dominions, end of June. Sweden declares war on Russia, July 24. Frederick II. takes Breslau, August 10. Lower Austria seized by elector of Bavaria, October. Capture of Neiss by Prussians, October 31. Capture of Prague by Bavarians and allies, November 26. Revolution in Russia ; Ivan VI. deposed, December 6 ; Elizabeth Petrowna proclaimed empress, December 7. Spanish troops sent to Italy, December. Stockholm Academy of Sciences, founded. Middleton s Life of Cicero published. Birth of Lavater (died, 1801). Death of Rollin (born, 1661). 1742. Elector of Bavaria chosen emperor, as Charles VII., January 24. Fall of Walpole, February 1. Munich taken posses sion of by Austrians, February 13. Frederick II. invades Moravia and Bohemia, March-April. France declares war against the queen of Hungary, England, and Holland, July 3. Treaty of peace at Berlin, July 28. Capitulation of Swedish army to Russians, Sep tember 4. Alliance between Great Britain, Prussia, and Holland (Treaty of Westminster), November. Treaty of Moscow, between Great Britain and Russia, December 11. Retreat of French under Belle-Isle from Prague to Egra, December 16-26. Handel s Messiah produced. Young s Night Thoughts (1742-1746). Fielding s Joseph Andrews. Robins s New Principles of Gunnery. Hume s Essays (1742-1752). Centigrade thermometer invented by Celsius. Birth of Bliicher (died, 1819). 1743. Death of Cardinal Floury, January 29. Munich again taken by Austrians, June 12. Battle of Dettingen, June 27. Treaty of Abo, between Russia and Sweden, August l7. Broad Bottom administration formed by Pelham, August. Ingolstadt taken by Austrians, September 12. Treaty of Worms, between Great Britain, the queen of Hungary, and the king of Sardinia, September 23. Secret treaty (second "Family Compact") between France and Spain, October 25. War between Nadir Shah and the Turks. Mosul besieged, October. Academy of Sciences, Copenhagen, and University of Erlangen, founded. Birth of Lavoisier (died, 1794). Birth of Paley (died, 1805). Birth of Condorcet (died, 1794). Birth of Jefferson (died, 1826). 1744. Unsuccessful attempt of Charles Edward to make a descent on England, February. Sea-fight between English and French and Spanish fleets off Toulon, February 22. Louis XV. declares war against England, March 15; against queen of Hungary, April 26. Louis invades Flanders, May. Union of Frankfort, between the em peror, the king of Prussia, the elector Palatine, and the king of Sweden, May 22. Secret treaty beween Frederick II. and France, June 5. Frederick II. invades Bohemia, (second Silesian Avar), August. Capture of Prague by Frederick, September 16. Capture of Munich by the French, October 16. Prague evacuated by Prussians, November 26. Anson s voyage round the world com pleted, June. Great eruption of Cotopaxi. First Wesleyan Con ference held. Akenside s Pleasures of Imagination published. Euler s Theoria Motuum. Birth of Marat. Birth of Herder (died, 1803). 1745. Treaty of Warsaw, between the elector of Saxony, Great Britain, the queen of Hungary, and States-General, January 8. Death of Charles VII., January 20. Peace of Fuessen, between the elector of Bavaria and queen of Hungary, April 22. Treaty between France, Spain, Naples, and the Genoese, May 7. Battle of Fontenoy, May 11. Capture of Cape Breton by the English, June 26. Jacobite rebellion ; Charles Edward lands in Scotland, July 23. Secret treaty between Great Britain and Prussia, August 26. Francis I., grand duke of Tuscan y, elected emperor, September 13. James VIII. proclaimed at Edinburgh, September 17. Battle of Prestonpans, September 21. Carlisle taken by the Pretender, November 15. Frederick II. invades Saxony, November. Derby reached by the Pretender, December 4. Surrender of Dresden to Frederick II., December 18. Milan entered by the Spaniards, f 743 December 19. Charles Edward retreats to Scotland, December 20. Frederick concludes treaties of Dresden with Saxony and Austria, December 25. Swedenborg s De Cultu et Amore Dei published. Wahhab begins to propagate his doctrines. Birth of Volta (died, 1826). 1746. Battle of Falkirk, January 17. Brussels taken by Marshal Saxe, February 20. Battle of Culloden, April 16 ; end of the re bellion. Antwerp taken by Marshal Saxe, May 19. Ferdinand VI. king of Spain, July 9. Frederick V. king of Denmark, August 6. Execution of Lords Balmerino and Kilmarnock, August 18. Genoa bombarded by English fleet, surrenders to Austrians, September 6. The French and Spaniards driven out of Italy, September. Madras capitulates to the French, September 19. Narnur taken by the French, September 19. Earthquake at Lima, October 28. Aus trians driven from Genoa, December 10. Frederician Code published. Handel s Judas Maccabceus produced. Hervey s Meditations. Birth of Sir William Jones (died, 1794). Birth of Pestalozzi (died, 1846.) 1747. Lord Lovat beheaded, April 9. Invasion of Brabant by the French, April. William of Nassau appointed stadtholder of the Netherlands, May 4. Admiral Auson defeats French fleet off Finisterre, May 14. Commodore Fox captures French West India fleet, June 16. Nadir Shah assassinated, June. Charles Edward escapes to France, September. Bergen-op-Zoom taken by the French, September 16. Admiral Hawke defeats French fleet off Belle Isle, October 14. University of St Petersburg founded. Origin of the Shakers about this time. Birth of Dr Parr (died, 1825). Birth of Canova (died, 1822). Death of David Brainerd (born, 1718). 1748. Maestricht invested by the French, April 13 ; surrenders, May 7. Peace of Aix-la-Chapelle, October 18. Centenary of Peace of Westphalia celebrated at Hamburg, October 25. Invasion of India by Afghans. Montesquieu s Esprit des Lois published. Richardson s Clarissa Ilarlowc. Smollett s Roderick PMndom. Han del s Solomon produced. Birth of Jeremy Bentham (died, 1832). Birth of J. L. David, painter (died, 1825). 1749. Flanders and Brabant evacuated by the French, January- February. Cape Breton restored to France, June. Eruption of Vesuvius, June- August. Madras restored to the English, September. War of succession in the Carnatic. Swedenborg s Arcana Ccelestia begun (completed, 1756). Middleton s Free Inquiry published. Birth of Mirabeau. Birth of Alfieri (died, 1803). Birth of La place (died, 1827). Birth of Goethe (died, 1832). Birth of C. J. Fox (died, 1806). Birth of Tippoo Saib (died, 1823). Birtli of Jenner (died, 1823). 1750. Treaty of Madrid between Great Britain and Spain, October 5. Death of Marshal Saxe, November 30. Westminster Bridge opened. Fielding s Tom Jones published. Johnson s llamUcr, 1750-1752. Baumgarten s ^Esthetica. 1751. Death of Frederick, prince of Wales, March 20. Adolphus Frederick king of Sweden, April 6. Arcot taken by Clive, August 31. Publication of Diderot s Encyclopedic- begun (completed, 1765). Philosophia Botanica of Linnaeus. Birth of Lord Eldon (died, 1838). Birth of R. B. Sheridan (died, 1816). Birtli oi Voss (died, 1826). Society of Antiquaries of London incorporated. 1752. The New Style adopted in Great Britain, January 1. Con quest of the Punjab by Afghans. Franklin proves identity of light ning and electricitv. Birth of Legendre (died, 1833). Birth ofJ. G. Eichhorn (died," 1827). Death of Whiston (born, 1667). Birth of Madame D Arblay (died, 1840). Birth of Blumenbach (died, 1840). 1753. The British Museum founded. Wesley s Hymns published. Birth of Dugald Stewart (died, 1828). Birth of William Roscoe (died, 1831). Birth of Carnot (died, 1823). Birth of Thomas Bewick (died, 1828). 1754. Othman III. sultan, December 13. Peace between French and English in India, December 26. New Marriage Act passed in England. Earthquakes at Constantinople and Cairo. Condillac s Trait e des Sensations published. Edwards 8 Inquiry into the Freedom of the Will. First part of Hume s History of England (completed, 1761). Birth of Madame Roland. Birth of Kleber (died, 1800). Birth of Talleyrand (died, 1838). Birth of Crabbe (died, 1832). Society of Arts, London, founded. 1755. Benedict XIV. concludes concordat with Spain, January 11. General Braddock s expedition against the French in Canada; he is defeated and killed, July 9. Lisbon destroyed by earthquake, November 1. University of Moscow founded. Eruption of Catlegia, Iceland, lasts from October 1755 to August 1756. Johnson s Dic tionary published. Birth of Marie Antoinette. Birth of Flaxman (died, 1826). Birth of Hahnemann (died, 1843). Death of Mosheim (born, 1694). 1756. League of Austria, Russia, Saxony, and Sweden against Prussia. Treaty of alliance between France and Austria, May 2. England declares war against France, May 17. Admiral Byng defeated by French oft Minorca, May 20. Capture of Calcutta by Suraja Dowla, June 18. Prisoners perish in the Black Hole. Capi tulation of English garrison in Minorca to the French, June 28. The Seven Years War begins with invasion of Saxony by Frederick

II., August 27. Dresden entered and Saxon archives seized, Septem-