Page:Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition, v. 5.djvu/759

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1777-1793.] CHRONOLOGY 745 evacuated by Americans, June 18. Declaration of Independence of the " United States," July 4. Commissioners of United States sent to France, September. British troops enter New York, Sep tember 15. Necker s administration (France), November. Battle of Trenton, December 26. Cook s last voyage begun. First vol. of Gibbon s Roman Empire published (completed, 1778). Smith s Wealth of Nations. Birth of Niebuhr. 1777. National flag of United States adopted, June 14. Exe cution of Dr Dodd for forgery, June 27. Battle of Brandywine, September 11. General Howe takes Philadelphia, September 27. Battle of Germantown, October 4. Surrender of General Burgoyne to General Gates, at Saratoga, October 16. Articles of Confedera tion of United States agreed to, November 15. Suspension of Habeas Corpus Act in Great Britain, December 11. Death of Maximilian Joseph, elector of Bavaria, December 30, followed by dispute as to succession. Howard s State of tJie Prisons published. Births of Oersted, De la Motte-Fouque, and Thomas Campbell. 1778. . Independence of United States recognized by France, January 16 ; treaty of amity signed, January 30. English ambas sador recalled from Paris, March 13. Death of Chatham, May 11. France declares war against England, July 10. Savannah taken by the English, December 28. Sandwich Islands and Owhyhee dis covered by Cook. Death of Voltaire! Births of Thomas Brown, Sir Humphrey Davy, De Candolle, and Gay-Lussac. 1779. Admiral Keppel tried by court-martial and acquitted, Jan uary-February 11. Captain Cook (born, 1728) killed in Owhyhee, February 14. Peace of Teschen, May 13, ends war of the Bavarian succession. Spain declares war against Great Britain, June 16. Alliance of Spain with United States, July 13. Fleets of France and Spain in the English Channel, August. Protestant Association founded in England. Johnson s Lives of the Poets published, 1779-81. The Olncy Hymns. Births of Moore, (Ehlenschlliger, Oken, and Berzelius. 1780. Rodney defeats Spanish fleet off Cape St Vincent, January 16. Charleston surrenders to Sir H. Clinton, May 13. The Gordon riots in London, June 2. Armed Neutrality between Russia, Denmark, and Sweden, July 9 and August 1 ; joined by States- General, December 24. Arcot taken by Hyder Ali, October 31. Death of Maria Theresa, November 29. Vaccination suggested by Jenner. 1781. The French invade Jersey, and are defeated, January 6. Bombardment of Gibraltar by Spaniards, April 12 to November 26. Conquest of Florida by Spaniards completed, May. Necker resigns, May. The king of Prussia joins Armed Neutrality, May 8. Sir Eyre Coote defeats Hyder Ali near Porto Novo, July 1. Yorktown occupied by Lord Cornwallis, August 1. Sea-fight off the Dogger- bank between English and Dutch, August 5. The emperor joins Armed Neutrality, October 9. Edict of toleration issued by the em peror, October 13. Yorktown capitulates to Washington, October 19. The Barrier Treaty dissolved, November. Uranus (Georgium Sidus) discovered by Herschel. SundaySchools originated by Robert Raikes. Births of H. F. Clinton, G. Stephenson, and Sir F. Chantrey. 1782. Second Rockingham administration in office, March 27. Victory of Rodney over French fleet off Dominica, April 12. Death of Rockingharn, July 1. Shelburne administration, July 10. The "Royal George sinks at Spithead, August 29. Successful defence of Gibraltar against the allies by General Elliott. Prelimi naries of peace between England and the United States, November 30. Charleston evacuated by the English, December 14. Death of Hyder Ali, December 7 ; Tippoo Saib succeeds him. Poyning s Law ( Ireland) repealed. Rousseau s Confessions published. 1783. Sovereignty of the Crimea sold to Catherine II., January 20. Coalition ministry of Fox and North, April 2. Definitive treaty of peace between England and United States signed at Paris, September 3. Treaty of peace between Great Britain, France, and Spain, September 3. The Coalition ministry dismissed, December 13. Pitt appointed first lord of the treasury, December 19. Washington resigns his commission, December 23. First experiments with Montgolfier s air balloon. Order of St Patrick founded. Birth of Bolivar. 1784. Tippoo concludes peace with the English, restitution of conquests agreed to, March 11. Treaty of peace between England and Holland, June 20. Pitt s India Bill passed, August 13. The Board of Control established. Death of Johnson, December 13. Braniah lock patented. Mitford s History of Greece, vol. i., pub lished (completed, 1818). 1785. Resignation of "Warren Hastings, February 8. John Adams, first ambassador of United States to England, presented to George III., June 1. Confederation of Saxony, Brandenburg, and Hanover, July 23. Treaty of Fontainebleau between the emperor and the States-General, guaranteed by France, signed, November 8. Expedition of La Perouse to South Seas. Royal Irish Acailomy incorporated Death of General Oglethorpe (born, 1C96). 1 786. Impeachment of AVarren Hastings, February. Frederick William II. king of Prussia, August 17. Lord Cornwallis governor- general of India, September. Treaty of navigation and commerce between Great Britain and France, September 26. Sebastopol founded. University of Bonn founded. Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society instituted. Burns s Poems published. Death of Admiral Keppel (born, 1725). 1787. First Assembly of Notables meets at Versailles, February 22 ; closes May 25. The parliament of Paris exiled, August-Sep tember. War between Russia and Turkey renewed, August. The Prussians invade Holland, and restore the stadtholder, September. Eruption of Etna, July to October. Society for suppression of the slave-trade formed in London. Death of Gluck (born, 1712). 1788. First publication of The Times, January 1. Death of Prince Charles Edward, January 31. The emperor declares war against Turkey, February 9. Trial of Warren Hastings begins, February 13. Turkish fleet defeated and destroyed, June 26. Russia declares war against Sweden, July 11. Necker recalled, August 24. Temporary insanity of George III. ; regency of Prince of Wales, October to February 1789. Second Assembly of the Notables, November 6-December 12. Oczakoff stormed by Russians under Potemkin, December 17. Penal settlement at Botany Bay. Drainage of the Pontine Marshes completed. 1789. Charles IV. king of Spain, January 17. Selim III. sultan, April 7. Mutiny of the " Bounty," April 28. Washington first president of United States, April 30. First French Revolution ; opening of the States-General at Versailles, May 5. National Assembly constituted, June 17. Fall of the Bastille, July 14. Abolition of feudal privileges, August 4. Insurrection in the Netherlands, September. Suwaroff defeats the Tuiks, September 22. Jacobin Club settles at Paris, about October. The Austrians expelled from the Netherlands, December. Land settlement in India begun. Herschel s great telescope completed. White s Natural History of Selborne published. Birth of N candor. 1790. Act of Union of Belgic United Provinces signed at Brussels, January 11. Treaty of alliance between Prussia and the Porte,, January 31. Monastic vows abolished in France, February 13. Death of Joseph 11., February 20. Defensive alliance between Prussia and Poland, March 29. Titles of honour abolished in- France, June 20. Federation Fete of the Champs de Mars, July 14. Peace of Werela between Russia and Sweden, signed, August 14. First issue of assignats in France, September 9. Leopold II. elected emperor, September 30. Austrians enter Brussels, Decem ber 2. Convention between the emperor and mediating powers ; end of the Belgian Republic, December 10. Ismail taken by Suwaroff, December 22. City of Washington founded. Burke s Reflections on tlie French Revolution published. 1791. Death of John Wesley, March 2. Death of Mirabeau, April 2. New Polish Constitution promulgated, May 3. Flight of Louis XVI. from Paris, June 20 ; he is arrested at Varennes and brought back, June 21. Priestley riots at Birmingham, July 14. Declara tion of Pilnitz, August 27. First coalition (between Austria and Prussia) formed, August 27. The constitution completed by National Assembly, September 3 ; accepted by Louis, September 14. Meeting of National Legislative Assembly at Paris, October 1. Death of Potemkin, October 16. Representative government intro duced in Canada. Galvani s discovery of animal electricity pub lished. D Israeli s Curiosities of Literature published. 1792. Peace of Jassy between Russia and Turkey, January 9. Attack on Seringapatam by the English, February 6. Death of the Emperor Leopold II., March 1. Girondist ministry at Paris, March. Gustavus III. of Sweden assassinated by Ankarstrom, March 16 ; Gustavus IV. succeeds. Peace concluded between the English and Tippoo ; cession of half of Mysore, March 19. The blacks in St Domingo declared free, April 4. Louis XVI. declares war against the king of Hungary, April 20. Invasion of the National Assembly and the Tuileries by the mob, "procession of the black breeches, June 20. Francis II. elected emperor, July 5. Manifesto of duke of Brunswick, July 25. Death of the earl of Guildford (Lord North), August 5. Attack on the Tuileries ; massacre of the Swiss guards, August 10. Louis and his family imprisoned in the Temple, August 13. Invasion of France begins, August. 18. The " September Massacres," at Paris, September 2-3. Opening of National Convention, September 21. Abolition of royalty, September 21. The Republic proclaimed, September 22. The Revolutionary calendar adopted, September 22. French occupation of Savoy, September. Battle of Jemappes, November 6. Belgium overrun by the French, November-December. The Scheldt opened to all nations, November 22. Fox s Libel Bill passed. Baptist Missionary Society founded. Gas first used for lighting. 1793. Treaty between Russia and Prussia for second partition of Poland, January 4. Alien Bill passed in England, January 4. Execution of Louis XVI., January 21. Invasion of Holland by Dumourier, February. Washington president of United States (second term), March 4. Insurrection in La Vendee, March 10. Revolutionary Tribunal established, March 11. "Reign of Terror." English army sent to Holland, March. Death of Chief-Justica Mansfield, March 20 (born, 1705). Fall of the Girondists, June 2. Assassination of Marat by Charlotte Corday, July 13 ; execu tion of Charlotte, July 17. Levy en masse of the French ordered,

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