Page:Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition, v. 5.djvu/762

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748 CHRONOLOGY [1819-1830. Chapelle opens, February 14 ; closed, November 20. End of the Piudaree war, May. Constitutional charter of Bavaria, May 25. Marriages of duke of Clarence with Princess .Adelaide of Saxe-Mein- engen, and of duke of Kent with Princess Mary of Saxe-Coburg, July 13. Suicide of Sir Samuel Romilly, November 2. Death of Queen Charlotte of England, November 17. Evacuation of French territory by the army of occupation, November 30. Subjugation of the Wahhabees completed by Ibrahim Pasha. The stethoscope invented by Laennec. Scott s Heart of Mid-Lothian published. Hallam s Europe during the Middle Ages. 1819. Cession of Florida by Spain to United States, February 22. Kotzebue assassinated at Mannheim, March 23. Birth of Princess Victoria, May 24. Peel s Currency Act passed, June 23. Congress of Carlsbad meets, August 1. Radical Reform meetings at Manches ter dispersed by the yeomanry (the "Peterloo" Massacre), August 16. The German Zollverein founded. Macadam s system of road- making published. Electro-magnetism discovered by Oersted. Scott s Bride of Lammermoor and Ivanhoc. 1820. Death of the duke of Kent, January 23. George IV. king of England, January 29. Ferdinand VII. swears to the constitution, March 9. Expulsion of Jesuits from Russia, March 25. Death of Grattan, May 14 (born, 1746). Revolution in Naples, the insur rection of the Carbonari, July 2. Bill of pains and penalties against Queen Caroline introduced in House of Lords, July 6 (abandoned, November 10). Revolt of AH Pasha of Joannina, August-September. Revolution in Portugal, the Spanish constitu tion proclaimed, September 15. Congress of Troppau meets, October 20. Congress of Laybaeh meets, December 17. Astro nomical Society of London founded. Byron s Don Juan published. Shelley s T/ie Cenci. Foster s Essay on Popular Ignorance. 1821. Revolutionary movements in Brazil, January. Death of John Keats, February 24 (born, 1796). James Monroe president of the United States (second term), March 4. Insurrection in Greece, March 6. Abdication of Victor Emmanuel 1. king of Sar dinia, in favour of his brother Charles Felix, March 23. Naples occupied by Austrian army, March 24. The Greek patriarch hung at Constantinople, April 21. The independence of Brazil pro claimed, April 22. Death of Napoleon I. at St Helena, May 5. Congress of Laybach closed, May 6. Provisional government esta blished in Greece, June 9. Return of John VI. to Lisbon, July. Coronation of George IV., July 19. Death of Queen Caroline, August 7. George IV. visits Ireland, August 15-September 15, and Hanover, October. Republic of Liberia founded by Americans. Scott s Kenihvorth and The Pirate published. 1822. Declaration of independence by the Greeks, January 1. Ali Pasha surrenders to the Turks, and is put to death, February 5. Insurrection Act (Ireland) passed, and Habeas Corpus Act suspended, February 11. Massacre of Scio, April-May. Iturbide proclaimed emperor of Mexico, May 22. Athens taken by the Greeks, June 22. George IV. visits Scotland, August. Suicide of Lord Castlc- reagh, August 12. Congress of Verona, August 25- December 14. Don Pedro emperor of Brazil, October 12. Caledonian Canal com pleted. Calculating Machine invented by Babbage. Brown s Philosophy of the Human Mind published. Byron s (Jain. 1823. Abdication of Iturbide, March 20. Invasion of Spain by the French, April 7 ; Madrid entered, May 23. John VI. of Portugal abolishes the constitution, June 5. Ferdinand VII declared incapable, and a regency appointed, June 11. Bombard ment of Cadiz by the French begins, September 20. Death of Pius VII., August 20. Leo XII. elected pope, September 28. Capitu lation of Cadiz, October 1. Great Britain sends consuls to South American States, October 30. British Anti-Slavery Society founded. Catholic Association in Ireland. Mormonism originated by Joseph Smith. Lamb s Essays of Elia published. Victor Hugo s Odes ct Ballades. 1824. Bolivar dictator of Peru, February 10. Death of Eugene Beauharnais, February 21 (born, 1781). War with Burmah, March 5. Death of Lord Byron at Missolonghi, April 18. Rangoon taken by the English, May 11. Iturbide arrested in Mexico and shot, July 19. Singapore acquired by the English, August. Charles X. king of France, September 16. Provisional government formed in Greece, October 12. The Spaniards in Peru finally de feated at Ayachuco, December 9. Angerstein collection of pictures bought by English Government as foundation of a National Gallery. Westminster Review established. Godwin s History of the Common wealth published (1824-1828). 1825. Treaty of commerce between Great Britain and La Plata, February 2. Expedition of Ibrahim Pasha against the Greeks, February 28. John Quincy Adams president of United States, March 4. Great earthquake in Algiers, March 2-7. The Catholic Association abolished by Act passed March 9. Treaties of commerce between Great Britain and Columbia, April 18, and between Great Britain and Mexico, April 29. Navarino taken by Ibrahim Pasha, May 18; Tripolitza, June 23. Ports of Dutch East Indies opened to ships of all nations, July 21. The independence of Brazil re cognized by Portugal, September 7. Nicholas I. emperor of Russia, December 1. Commercial panic in England, December. The lime light invented by Drummond. First voyage by steam from Eng land to India made. Coleridge s Aids to Reflection published. Pcpys s Diary deciphered and published. 1826. War between Brazil and Buenos Ayres begins, January. Bhurtpore stcrmed by Lord Combermere, January 18. Capitulation of Callao to Peruvian patriots, January 22; evacuation of Peru by Spaniards. Treaty of navigation between Great Britain and France, January 26. Treaty of peace between English and Burmese, Feb ruary 24. Death of John VI.; Don Pedro, emperor of Brazil, be comes king of Portugal, March 10. Death of Weber, June 5 Rebellion and massacre of the Janissaries at Constantinople, June 15. Death of Adams and Jefferson, ex-presidents of the United States, July 4. Don Miguel assumes title of king, July 4. Russia declares war against Persia, September 28. Insurrection in Portu gal, October 6. Death of Talma, October 19 (born, 1763). Convention between Great Britain and United States lespecting indemnities for damages during the war, November 13. Treaty between Great Britain and Brazil for suppression of slave trade, November 23. Portugal appeals for aid to England, December 3. Death of Flax- man, December 9 (born, 1755). English fleet in the Tagus, December 25. Zoological Society of London founded. London University founded. Menai Suspension Bridge opened. Disraeli s Vivian Grey published. 1827. Death of Frederick, duke of York, January 5 (born, 17C3). Death of Mitford, February 8 (born, 1744). Death of Pestalozzi, February 17 (born, 1746). Canning administration, April 12. National Guard of France disbanded by Charles X., April 29. Erection of kingdom of Greece by treaty of London, July 6. Death of Canning, August 8. The Goderich administration, August 11. Duke of Portland president of the council, August 17. Death of Ugo Foscolo, October 10 (born, about 1776). Battle of Navarino, October 26. Charles X. dissolves the Chamber of Deputies, November 5. Needle-gun invented by Dreyse. Omnibus introduced at Paris. Overland route to India projected. Keble a Christian Year published. Scott s Tales of a Grandfather. Arnott s Elements of Physics. Simrock s version of the Xilcluncjcii- licd. 1828. Fall of the Villele ministry in France, January 4. Resig nation of Lord Goderich, January 8. The Wellington administration in office, January 25. Peace of Turkmanchay between Russia and Persia, February 22. Russia declares war against Turkey, April. 26. Last of the British troops leave Portugal, April 28. Don Miguel assumes title of king, May 3. Occupation of Bucharest by Russians, May 12. Passage of the Danube by Russians, June 8. Election of O Connell M. P. for Clare, July 5 ; he refuses to take the oaths. Silistria invested by Russians, July 23. Peace concluded between Brazil and Buenos Ayres, August 29. The French hind in the Morea, August 29. The Dardanelles closed by the Porte, September 18. Evacuation of Greece by Ibrahim Pasha, October 4. Varna taken by the Russians, October 11. The Morea evacuated by Turks, October 28. Siege of Silistria raised, November 10. Death of Lord Liverpool, December 4 (born, 1770). New Corn Law in England ; Peel s "Sliding Scale" established. Test Act and Corpora tion Act repealed. London University opened. The Alhcitu um (literary journal) established. 1829. Death of Leo XII. .February 10. Andrew Jackson president of United States, March 4. Duel fought between Wellington and earl of Winchelsea, March 21. Pius Vlll. elected pope, March 31. Catholic Emancipation Act passed, April 13. Capture of Lepanto by the Greeks, May 9. Siege of Silistria resumed, May 17; it sur renders, June 18. General Paskiewich takes Erzeroum, July 9. Prince of Poliguac first minister of Charles X., August 8. Adrianople entered by Russians, August 20. Peace of Adrianople signed, September 14. Suttee declared illegal, December 14. Rossini s Guillaumc Tell produced. 1830. Independence of Greece declared by Allied Powers, February 3 ; acknowledged by the Porte, April 25. AVilliam IV. king of England, June 26. Surrender of Algiers to the French, July 5. Charles X. issues the Six Ordinances, July 26. Paris declared in a state of siege, July 27. Flight of Charles X. from Paris, July 30. Louis Philippe, duke of Orleans, appointed lieutenant-general of the kingdom, July 31. Abdication of Charles X., August 2. Louis Philippe proclaimed king of the French, August 9. Revolution at Brussels, August 25. Insurrection at Dresden, September 9. Disturbances at Berlin, Hamburg, and other German towns. Three days fighting between Dutch and Belgians at Brussels, September 19-21. Liverpool and Manchester Railway opened, September 15. Independence of Belgium proclaimed, October 4. Antwerp entered by Belgians, October 27; the Dutch bombard the city, October 28. Resignation of the Wellington ministry, November 15. The Grey ministry takes office, November 16. Revolution at Warsaw, November 29. Death of Pope Pius VIII., November 30. Death of Bolivar, December 17. Prince of Polignac, ex-minister of Charles X., convicted of high treason, and sentenced to imprison ment for life, December 21. Independence of Belgium recognized by Allied Powers, December 26. Expedition of the Landers to the

Niger. Lyell s Principles of Geology published. Tennyson sPaem*.