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XXX (431) XXX

ASS ASP (4 31) clafs. The calix is divided into fix parts ; ASLANI, in commerce, a Giver coin, worth from 115 monogynia and the nedlarium confifts of fix valves covering the toiaoafpers. SeeAspER. There are three fpecies, viz. the buteus, a ASMER, a province of India, on this fide the Ganges. germen.of Sicily; the fiftulofis and ramofus, both naASPIS, in zoology, the trivial name of a fpecies of co- native tives of Spain, drc. luber. See Coluber. in natural hiftory, are femi-metalASPALATHUS, or Rose-wood, in botany, a ge- ASPHURELATA, foflils, fufible by fire, and not malleable in their nus’of the diadelphia decandria clafs. The calix con- lic fifls of five divifions; the pod is oval, and contains purelt (late, being in their native (late intimately mixed with fulphur and other adventitious matter, and retwo feeds. There are xg fpecies, none of them na- duced to what are called ores. tives of Britain. Of this feries of fofiils, there are only five bodies, ASPARAGUS, in botany, a genus of the hexandria monogynia clafs. The corolla confiifs of fix eredt di- each of which makes a diftinft genus; and thefe boare antimony, bifmuth, cobalt, zinc, or quickfilvifions ; the three inferior petak are bent outwards; dies the berry has three cells, and contains two feeds. ver. See Chemistry. There are 14 fpecies of afparagus, only one of which, ASPIRATE, in grammar, denotes words marked with viz. the officinalis, is a native of Britain. This fpe- the fpiritus afper. See Asper. cies is commonly ufed as food; but it is alfo fuppofed ASPIRATION, among grammarians, is ufed to denote the pronouncing a fyllable with fome vehemence. to promote urine. ASPECT, in aftronomy, denotes the fituation of the ASPLENIUM, in botany, a genus of the cryptogamia planets and ftars with refpedt to each other. See A- filices clafs. The parts of fruftification are fituated in the fmall fparfe line under the difle of the leaves. STRONOMY. There are 24 fpecies, five of which, viz. the fcoloASPEN-TREE, in botany. See Populus. ASPER, in grammar, an accent peculiar to the Greek pendrium or hart’s tongue, the ceterach or fpleenlanguage, marked thus (‘), and importing, that the wort, the trichomanes or common maiden-hair, the letters o^er which it is placed ought to be ftrongly viride or green maiden-hair, are natives of Britain. afpirated, or pronounced as if an /> were joined with The ceterach is recommended for promoting urine, and as a pe&oral. them. Asper, in ichthyology, the trivial name of a fpecies of ASPREDO, in ichthyology, the trivial name of a fpeperca. See Perca. cies of filurus. See SiLURUs. Asper, or Aspre, in commerce, a Turkiffi coin, three ASS, in zoology, is ranked as a fpecies of equus, or of which make a medine, and worth fomething more horfe. See Equus. than our halfpenny. ASSAI, in mufic, fignifies quick; and, according toASPERA arteria, in anatomy, the fame with the wind- others, that the motion of the piece be kept in a midpipe or trachea. See Anatomy, p.281. dle degree of quicknefs or (lownefs As, ajj'ai alleASPERIFOLIATE, or Asperifolious, amongbota- gro, ajfai prejls. See Alleg ro, ' rand Presto. nifls, fuch plants as are rough-leaved, having their ASS ARON, or Omer, a meafure of-capacity, in ufe leaves placed alternately on their (talks, and a mono- among the Hebrews, containing five pints. It was the meafure of manna which God. appointed for epetalous flower divided into five parts. ASPERUGO, in botany,, a genus of the pentandria mo- very Ifraelite. nogynia clafs. There are two fpecies, viz. the pro- ASSASSIN, a perfon who kills another by attacking cumbens-, or wild buglos, a native of Britain; and him at fome difadVantage. It is alfo meant of one the segyptiaca, a native of Egypt. who hires himfelf to murder a perfon, in order to re-v ASPERULA, in botany, a genus of the tetrandria mo- venge the quarrel of another. nogynia clafs. The corolla is infundibuliform,. and ASSAULT, in law, a violent inj ury offered .to a man’s the capfule contains two globular feeds. There are perfon, being of a higher nature than battery. fix fpecies, of which the odorata, or wood-roof, and Assault, in the military art, a furious effort made to the cynachica, or fquinancy-wort, are natives of Bri- carry a fortified port, camp, or fortrefs, wherein the tain. affailants do. not fereen themfeives by any works: ASPHALTUM, in natural hiftory, a folid, dark, o- while the affault-continues, .the batteries ceafe, for paque, inflammable fubftance, found in Egypt about fear of killing their own men. the Dead Sea, and in many places of Europe, in de- ASSAY, Essay, or Say, in metallurgy, the trial of tached mafles of no regular ftrudture, . breaking eafily the goodhefs. and purity of metals; Hence, in. any direction, very light,,fufible, and, after burning ASSAYING is the art of finding how much pure metal feme time with a greeniffi white flame, leaving a.white is contained in. any ore, or the proportion of the ferefiduum of affies Dr Hill enumerates three fpecies veral ingredients of. any mixed metal. See Cheof it; the firfi: being the bitumen judaicum,.which is of mistry. a difeutient quality, promotes the menfirual difeharge, Assaying of weights.and meafdres, the examining the and enters as an ingredient into the Venice treacle,. common weights, and meafures by the clerk of thdSee Bitumen. market. ASPHODELUS, in botany, a genus of the hexandria Assaying, in mufic, a fleuriihing before one begins to