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Sewerage, by Folwell ($3.00).

The student interested specially in structural work should study:

Bridge and Structural Design, by Thomson ($2.00).

Typical Steel Railway Bridges, by Thomson ($2.00), following with:

Steel Mill Buildings, by Ketchum ($4.00).

Walls, Bins and Grain Elevators, by Ketchum ($4.00).

Highway Bridges, by Ketchum ($4.00).

The student of mining engineering will require all the preceding mathematics, physics, chemistry, drawing and surveying before taking up:

A Manual of Mining, by Ihlsing & Wilson ($5.00).

Prospecting for Gold and Silver, by Lakes ($1.00).

Prospecting, Locating and Valuing Mines, by Stretch ($2.50).

Mining, Mineralogical and Geological Law, by Shamel ($5.00), following with any of the books already mentioned, which he believes might be helpful to him.

It is, of course, understood that no attempt has been made here to give a list even approximately complete of the best books on any particular subject. The only thing the writer has endeavored to do has been to assist the reader in selecting good first books.