Page:Engineering as a vocation (IA cu31924004245605).pdf/119

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For the encouragement of men who missed earlier opportunities and are determined to supplement the deficiencies in their earlier education, the two diagrams here presented are interesting studies.

Fig. 1—Labor Cost Per Unit of Product.

The first is a copy of a diagram frequently used by modern contractors for the purpose of rating their foremen, and is taken from a job of which the writer had charge. The horizontal lines represent percentages and the vertical lines represent days. On the first day the cost of the product, assumed here to be a yard of concrete, is taken as a maximum, for the men are green and the foreman not acquainted with his crew, it being the first day of the work. Therefore at 100 per cent. the start is made for cost of product. The crew was small and the cost of the foreman was 20 per