Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/130

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frighten, phièn-nâng-kiaⁿ; kiaⁿ-tie̍h-nâng. by threats, kiaⁿ-heh. frightened, kiaⁿ. to death, kiaⁿ-sí (also means very much frightened); kiaⁿ-kàu-sí. frightful, tshūa-nâng-kiaⁿ; kiaⁿ-sí-nâng.

frigid, chhìn. heart, sim néⁿ; néⁿ-ì. manner, néⁿ-tãⁿ.

fringe, chhiu.

frisk, thiàu-iak; kha thiàu, chhiú mõng.

fritter, away time, tak-nn̄g-tiāu sî-hāu.

frivolous, khin-phû; hàuⁿ-tsò bô-siang-kan sṳ̄. matter, khin-sṳ̄; sòi-sṳ̄; sié-khó-sṳ̄; bô-chhiet-iàu; bô-iàu-kín; bô-siang-kan; bô-kàu tî-kò-khṳ̀.

frizzle, khek; khek-khek. cause to, zuán-khek.

frog, tsúi-koi; kap-pô; kap-kiú. tadpole, kap-kiú-kuai.

frolic, sńg; sie-sńg; hì-sńg kâi-sṳ̄.

from, tsṳ̃; tshông; iû., iû...kàu; iû...chì; tsṳ̃...chì; tsṳ̃...kàu. Swatow is over three leagues from Ching-hai, Sùaⁿ-thâu lî Thêng-hái saⁿ-phòu-gūa lōu. home, bô-tõ; m̄-tõ; tshut-khṳ̀-kháu. youth, tsṳ̃ iùⁿ-nîⁿ. salute the brethren from me, thòi-uá mn̄g-hāu chèng-ūi hiaⁿ-tĩ. from avarice, tshut-tõ tham-sim.

front, tsôiⁿ-mīn; chiàⁿ-mīn; tsôiⁿ-pôiⁿ. door, thâu-mn̂g; tōa-mn̂g; tsóng-mn̂g. in front, tõ-mīn-tsôiⁿ; tõ-thâu-tsôiⁿ. walk in front, kiâⁿ tõ-thâu-tsôiⁿ; thâu-soiⁿ-kiâⁿ. stand opposite to, hiàng; niàⁿ.

frontier, tī-kài; kéng-kài; kài-hãn; pien-kiang; pien-kài; piⁿ-kài; pien-thêng. to watch the frontier, siú-pien.

frontlet, chiau-kun-ûi; hia̍h-tsôiⁿ-ûi; ou-kṳn-khou.

frost, sng. and snow, sng-soh. hoar-, lo̍h-sng. -bite, kûaⁿ-tàng.

froth, tshùi-nũaⁿ; tshùi-phue̍h; nũaⁿ-phue̍h; tsúi-phue̍h.

froward, hûeⁿ-nge̍k; nguán-nge̍k; nguán-ngẽ.

frown, náuⁿ-ma̍k; niàuⁿ-bâi. look at one with a, ma̍k kàng-kàng tõ-hîm--i. expressing contempt and hatred by curling up the nose and frowning, niàuⁿ-bâi niàuⁿ-phīⁿ, ma̍k kàng-kàng tõ-hîm--i. expression of anxiety, tshok-bâi; ma̍k-bâi kat-kat; bâi-thâu tshok-tshok. to draw one's eye-brows together in a kind of frown, bâi-thâu tièⁿ-tshok-tshok.

frugal, khiãm; tsat-khiãm; khiãm-tsat; tsat-ēng; khiãm-ēng; iak-iak; séⁿ-iak; séⁿ; khiãm-iak. frugality