Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/131

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is better than a large income, khiãm-chia̍h kiêⁿ-kùe-thàn.

fruit, kúeⁿ; kúeⁿ-chí. fresh, chheⁿ-kúeⁿ. dried, kan-kúeⁿ. to bear, seⁿ-kúeⁿ; kat-kúeⁿ; kit-kúeⁿ; kat-si̍t; kit-si̍t. to pluck, tiah-kúeⁿ-chí. fruitful, õi-seⁿ; seⁿ-tsōi; seⁿ-lâi-kãu. fruitful season, nîⁿ-tang hó. fruitbearing, hó-kat-si̍t. fruitless, bõi-seⁿ; bô-iah (useless); bô-ēng (id.).

frustrate, sái m̄-sêng-sṳ̄; hāi m̄-sêng-sṳ̄; gōu-sṳ̄ m̄-sêng. a plot, phùa-kòi.

fry, with little or no fat, tshá (implies much stirring and turning over). with a little fat, and few turns, luah. with a little water and perhaps hat, chien. frying-pan, chien-pûaⁿ (shallow); tiáⁿ (deeper); tiáⁿ-kiáⁿ.

fuel, tshâ; mue̍h-hiâⁿ; tshâ-tsháu. gather, khieh-mue̍h-hiâⁿ. add, thiam-húe; thiam-tshâ; lān-tshâ; lān-tsháu.

fugitive, from justice, tô-tsũe; tsáu-hũam; i̍t-hũam. from persecution, pĩ-nâng to̍k-tsáu.

fulfil, one's expectation, zû-mōⁿ. duty, chĩn-pńg-hūn; ûan-pńg-hūn; chĩn-cheh. command, zû-mẽng. law, siú-huap; tsun-huap. promise, zû-ieh; siú-ieh. prediction, èng-ngiām; hāu-ngiām; teng-ngiām. prayer, tsò-chiâⁿ; èng-ngiām. vows, hôiⁿ-ngūan.

full, múaⁿ; tĩⁿ; pá. -grown, chiáng-sêng; chiáng-tōa; tōa—liáu. see FILL.

fully, tshûan; chĩn; thàu; thàng; sêng; chiâⁿ.

fumble, in one's pocket, chiâm-tō. about, as in the dark or blind person, mông-at; thèng-mông, thèng-at.

fumes, khì; bī.

fumigate, a room, phek-tiāu ùe-khì; hun-tiāu tshàu-khì.

fun, to make, sńg; sie-sńg; chhiè-thâm. funny, tshù-bī; hó-chhiè. say anything in fun, tàⁿ-sńg.

funds, pńg-chîⁿ; bó-thâu.

fundamental, pńg; kṳn-pńg; pńg-ngûan; pńg-iàu; pńg-bũ; tói-tsṳ́.

funeral, sng-sṳ̄. attend a, sàng-tsǹg; sàng-kiũ; sàng-kuaⁿ-ba̍k chiẽⁿ-suaⁿ.

fungus, kou. on trees, chhiū-kou; chhiū-zṳ́; ba̍k-zṳ́. edible, hieⁿ-kou. covered with, seⁿ-kou.