Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/178

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phiẽ. let not one remain, màiⁿ-tshûn che̍k-kâi. let the request be granted, tsún i-só-khiû. let alone, chhiú màiⁿ-thãng; kṳ̀-i-khṳ̀.

letter, sìn; tsṳ-sìn; phoi-sìn. one, che̍k-tieⁿ-jī; che̍k-kò-sìn; che̍k-huang-sìn. to send, kià-phoi; kià-sìn. letters, jī. of alphabet, jī-bó. a man of, ũ-ha̍k-mn̄g.

lettuce, chheⁿ-tshài.

leucorrhoea, pāi-pe̍h; pe̍h-tòa.

levee, chhiâu-kìⁿ.

level, pêⁿ. place, pêⁿ-tī; pêⁿ-pou. to level, phêⁿ-pêⁿ; phah-pêⁿ; thúaⁿ-pêⁿ.

lever, thih-chhiâng; phûe-chhiâng.

levy, taxes, thiu-sùe; siu-niêⁿ; tui-niêⁿ. troops, khí-piaⁿ; tiãu-piaⁿ; teng-piaⁿ.

lewd, siâ; îm; hàuⁿ-sek.

lexicon, jī-tién; jī-lūi (small).

libation, kuàn-tī.

libel, bô-thâu-thiap. to, ka̍k-thiap-kiáⁿ; tah-thiap-kiáⁿ.

liberal, khuan-hông tãi-liãng; lêng-iông-nâng; ũ-tōu-liãng. with money, khang-khài; tōa-khang tōa-khài; khuang-khài.

liberate, pàng; sek-pàng; pàng-i-khṳ̀. liberty, tsṳ̃-tsú; tsṳ̃-lí; tsṳ̃-iû. you are at liberty, sûi-lṳ́ tsú-ì; bô-nâng khu-sok.

libidinous, tham-sek; hàuⁿ-phiâu; îm-io̍k.

library, tsṳ-pâng.

license, give a, tshut-pâi. take out, niáⁿ-pâi; sùe-pâi.

licentious, kùe-tōu; siâ-phiah; bô-huap-tōu; huàng-ûi zuãn-tsò.

lichen, chheⁿ-thî; chheⁿ-thai; chhiêⁿ-thai; chhiêⁿ-i.

lichi, nôiⁿ-kúeⁿ. dried, nôiⁿ-kúeⁿ-kuaⁿ.

lick, chĩ. the old cow licks its calf, lãu-gû chĩ-tok.

lid, khàm. of pot, ue-kùa. of frying-pan, tiáⁿ-khàm.

lie, tàⁿ-ké-ūe; tàⁿ-ké; pe̍h-chia̍h pe̍h-tàⁿ; sueh-huáng; tàⁿ hṳ-ké kai-ūe. a lie, pe̍h-chiáⁿ-ūe; tōa-ūe; hṳ-ké; huang-thâng; bô-iáⁿ-ūe; bô-iaⁿ bô-chiah kâi-ūe.

lie, down, tó--loo̍h-khṳ̀ gu̍t. with, tsò-pû-gu̍t. in ambush, mâiⁿ-ho̍k; bih-tiām; bih-bûa.

lieutenant, -governor, bú-īⁿ; bú-thâi.

life, miāⁿ; sèⁿ-miāⁿ. present, kim-sì; tõ-seⁿ; seⁿ-tsôiⁿ. future, lâi-seⁿ; sí-ãu. life and death, seⁿ-sí. life-time, che̍k-sì-nâng; che̍k-seⁿ-nâng; tsong-sin. all one's life-