Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/179

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time, chĩn-che̍k-sì. regardless of life, m̄-kù-miāⁿ; m̄-kù sèⁿ-miāⁿ. lifeless, bõi-ua̍h; sí--liáu; pùaⁿ-seⁿ pùaⁿ-sí. to see life, kìⁿ--kùe sì-chhêng. take life, suah-miāⁿ. long, tn̂g-miāⁿ; tn̂g-siū.

lift, khie̍h-khí; khie̍h-phû; hû-phû; hû-khí; kng-phû; kiah. a screen, hien-liâm; kiah-liâm. one's clothes, piáu-phû; tsah-phû; túi-phû. the head, thâu-khak tièⁿ-taⁿ. with lever, kiãu-phû; kiãu-khí. off a lid, iãuⁿ-khàm; khàm iãuⁿ-phû. up a child, phõ--khí-lâi.

light, kng; kuang; kuang-mêng. of sun, ji̍t-kng. a lamp, liám-húe; tiám-húe, liám-teng; tiám-teng; chiẽⁿ-teng. a fire, khí-húe; to̍h-húe. light-house, teng-lâu; teng-thah. come to light, huat-tsoh.

light, in weight, khin. and easy, khin-kōi. clothing, chhēng-po̍h. wind, huang khin; huang-kiáⁿ li-li. in colour, chhién-sek; sek chhién-tãⁿ. -fingered, saⁿ-chiah-chhiú. lighten, pûaⁿ-khin; phêⁿ-kiám. to lighter, poh-hùe. make light of anyone, thóiⁿ-khin; thóiⁿ-m̄-chiẽⁿ-ma̍k; lia̍h-tsūaⁿ; khin-buãn; bú-buãn.

lightning, tiẽn-húe; lûi-húe. it lightens, lûi-kong nihⁿ-ma̍k; tiẽn-húe ia̍p-ia̍p-sih.

like, chhin-chhiẽⁿ; húang-sṳ̃; siang-sṳ̃; kṳ̃n-sṳ; siãu; tâng; tshah-chhi̍h chhin-chhiẽⁿ. it is like (simile), chhin-chhiẽⁿ; khó-pí; phì-zû; tǹg--kùe; hāi--kùe. do like him, o̍h i-kâi-iēⁿ; uàⁿ i-kâi-iēⁿ; hãu i-kâi-iēⁿ. make, it like this, chiè chí-kâi-iēⁿ tsò.

like, to, hàuⁿ; ngũan; kam-ngũan; chhêng-ngũan; tèng-ì; ha̍h-ì; zûi-ì; sieh.

likely, tōa-mīn-sĩ; tōa-pùaⁿ-sĩ; poih-káu-siaⁿ; tsōi-hun; iak-liãng; iak-bó-liãng; káⁿ-sĩ; gî-sĩ.

likeness, sièⁿ; hí-sîn; siáu-ngiá; mīn-mãuⁿ. there is a strong likeness, siãu-tsãi.

likewise, iā; iā-sĩ; kiam-kũa; siãng-chhiáⁿ; iũ.

lily, peh-ha̍h-hue. water-, nôiⁿ-hue.

limbs, the four, sì-thói; sì-thí; sì-chiⁿ.

lime, hue. burn, sie-hue. slack, huat-hue; huat-hue-pôu. mix, chhiau-hue. sift, thai-hue. sifted, hue-kiáⁿ. refuse, hue-thâu. kiln, hue-iê. debris of shells for making lime, sap.

limit, hãn; kài-hãn; hãn-liãng; tōu-hãn; hãn-chí. pass the limited time, kùe-hãn-khî.