Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/218

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plagiarism, thau-siá pa̍t-nâng-bûn.

plague, un-mu̍t; sî-lẽng.

plain, level, phêng; pêⁿ; phêng-ngûan; pêⁿ-tī. clear, mêng; mêng-pe̍h. simple, láu-si̍t; phok-si̍t; chieh-phok; phok-sù. speaking, tit-tàⁿ bô-pau-tshâng.

plaintiff, ngûan-kò.

plaintive, pui-ai.

plait, pĩⁿ; phah-pĩⁿ. the queue, pĩⁿ-piⁿ; siu-piⁿ. in cloth, kóiⁿ; chih-kóiⁿ; khieh-kóiⁿ.

plan, huang-huap; huap-tsat; huap-tōu; kòi-chheh; kòi-mông; kòi-su̍t; huap-sek; huap-thiâⁿ. for a building, tshù-kek; tshù-ieⁿ. to-plan, siẽⁿ-sim-sṳ̃; siet-kòi; siet-huap. an essay, mong-phien; thiau-i. a rebellion, mông-huán. the best plan is to..., put-zû... to hit the right, tie̍h-huap.

plane, a, thiu, thiu-to. bead, sùaⁿ-thiu. gouge, uan-thiu. sash, liú-thiu. to, thiu-pêⁿ; thiu-kng-ku̍t. shavings from a, tshâ-phùe-thiu.

planets, ngóu-chheⁿ.

plank, a, che̍k-kò-pang; ba̍k-póiⁿ; sam-póiⁿ; tshâ-póiⁿ.

plant, to, chèng. plants, tsháu-ba̍k; hue-ba̍k. plant out rice, pòu-tshân.

plantain, keng-chie. see bunch.

plaster, hue; hue-nîⁿ. to plaster a wall, kuah-hue; phiak-hue; liâm-hue. medical, ko-ie̍h.

plate, pûaⁿ; ûi-ti̍h; ti̍h; ti̍h-kiáⁿ. to plate, with gold, liū-kim; tsṳ́-kim; tah-kim; pau-kim.

platform, thâi; thâi-koh; sài-pêⁿ; pêⁿ; phû-tûaⁿ.

play, sńg; sie-sńg. the flute, tshue-te̍k. the organ, tôaⁿ-khîm; thân-khîm. the fiddle, kṳ̀-hîⁿ. chess, teh-kî. cards, phah-tsúa-pâi. ball, that-kiû; phah-kiû. play day, thit-thô-ji̍t. plaything, thit-thô-mue̍h.

play, a, hi̍, act a, tsò-hi̍. actor, hi̍-kieh; hi̍-kiáⁿ. an act of a, che̍k-tshut-hi̍. look at, thóiⁿ-hi̍. engage, chhiáⁿ-hi̍. stage for, hi̍-thâi (permanent); hi̍-pêⁿ (temporary).

plead, khiû; khṳ́n-khiû; koh-lô; sueh-chhêng.

pleasant, tshù-bī, sóng-khùai. weather, thiⁿ-sî hó; thiⁿ-khi̍ hó. passage, sũn-huang. I wish you a pleasant journey, che̍k-lōu phêng-an. to hear, sũn-hĩⁿ.

please, chhiáⁿ. as you please, sûi-tsãi-lṳ́; thãi-lṳ́ tsú-i̍; iû-lṳ́; jĩm-lṳ́; sûi-piẽn. please anyone, zû i-kâi i̍; zua̍t i-kâi-i̍. difficult to, tò-thi̍. the palate, ha̍h-chia̍h;