Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/219

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suah-tshùi; suáng-kháu; zua̍t-kháu; sek-kháu;

pleasure, huaⁿ-hí; hí-la̍k; khuài-la̍k; sek-chhêng. man of, hàuⁿ-huang-liû.

pledge, àn; tǹg; chieh-tǹg; tǹg-thâu; àn-tǹg. borrow on a, àn-chieh.

plenipotentiary, tshuân-khuân.

plenty, tsok; kàu; tsōi; múaⁿ; ke-ke; hong-sẽng; hong-múaⁿ.

pliable, sèⁿ-chhêng jiû; kōi iâu-tõng; sim m̄-kien-kù; sûi-huang khí-tó; phû-tîm sûi-so̍k.

plighted, siang-ieh--kùe.

plot, kòi-mông; àm-kòi; àm-mông. to plot rebellion, mông-húan. to be in a plot, tshùan-tâng; tshùan-ha̍h; tshùan-thong; phah-tshùan.

plough, lôi. -share, lôi-thâu. handle, kôi-búe. to plough, lôi-tshân; sái-lôi; sái-gû.

pluck, flowers, tiah-hue; tshái-hue; liàm-hue; á-ki-hue. up, po̍ih; po̍ih-khí. out, po̍ih-tshut; thiu-tshut; mán-tiāu. one by the sleeve, túi; tùn.

plug, a hole, sat-khang; that-khang.

plum, lí.

plumb, line, phêng-tô; tūi-tô.

plump, pûi; pûi-phò; pûi-lûn; phò-phò; phò-tōa; lũ-lũ.

plunder, chhiéⁿ; chhiéⁿ-kiap; lu-chhiéⁿ; khiâng-chhiéⁿ; ngẽ-chhiéⁿ. at a fire, chhiéⁿ-húe-sái. men who do so, húe-chiáu. a man of his clothing, pak-ko-kúe.

Pluto, ngiâm-lô-uâng; ngiâm-kun; ngiâm-lô thien-tsṳ́.

pock-mark, poiⁿ; mīn-poiⁿ.

pocket, tō; saⁿ-tō; hô-pau; ie-tõu (fastened round the middle); ie-phîn (hung at side). to fall out of the, chhèng-tō. to search, chhiâm-tshūe; tō-tói siau tshūe; púe-tshūe; chhîm-tshūe.

pod, tāu-khoih.

poem, si. a, che̍k-síu-si; che̍k-phien-si. to compose a, tsò-si. poet, si-ong; si-jîn; si-kheh; tshâi-tsṳ́.

point, chiam; hong; búe; tshùi. cut to a, phoi-chiam; siah-chiam. of a knife, to-chiam; to-hong; to-búe. pointed, chiam-chiam.

point, to, chí; kí; kí-thóiⁿ; chí-tiāⁿ; kí-tiāⁿ. a book, tiám-tsṳ. tiám-tsṳ-chheh. out an error, chí-mîⁿ; kí-phùa.

poison, ta̍k; ta̍k-ie̍h. to, lo̍h-ta̍k-ie̍h; ie̍h-sí-nâng. fish, ie̍h-hṳ̂. calculated to prove fatal in a certain time, hãn-ie̍h.