Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/220

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poker, húe-chhe.

pole, for carrying, phoi-taⁿ; pêⁿ-taⁿ; khat-taⁿ; chiam-taⁿ; tek-thûi (bamboo). long bamboo, tek-ko. to pole a boat, theⁿ-tsûn.

pole, North, Pak-ke̍k. star, pak-sîn.

polecat, hôu-lâi-ngiau; tshàu-ngiau.

police, chhe-hia̍h; ngûan-chhe; a-tsóng; pan-thâu.

polish, bûa-kng; chhiù-kng. polished, kng-ku̍t.

polite, hiáu-lí; ũ-lói-mãuⁿ; ũ-lói-ngî; ũ-lói. as phrase, bûn-ngiá. to fail in politeness, sit-lói.

politics, kok-chèng; chèng-sṳ̃.

pollen, hue-hún.

pollute, mak--tie̍h nah-sap; u-jiám; jiám-u; jiám--tie̍h nah-sap; u-ùe--tie̍h.

polypus, in the nose, phīⁿ-lêng; phīⁿ-tsûa.

pomatum, hiang-iû; buah-thâu-iû; tê-iû; lêng-hieⁿ-iû.

pomegranate, sie̍h-liû.

pomp, hûan-hua; iông-hûa; iông-kùi.

pond, tì. for fish, hṳ̂-tî.

ponder, tóu-lãi-siẽⁿ; àm-chẽⁿ-siẽⁿ; chẽⁿ-siẽⁿ; mi̍t-siẽⁿ; tîm-ngîm; tîm-sṳ chẽⁿ-siẽⁿ; chim-chiak.

pony, bé; sòi-chiah-bé.

pool, khut; tî.

poop, of ship, tsûn-búe-lâu.

poor, phîn; khiông; kêng; khiau; bô-chîⁿ; phîn-khiông; khiau-kêng. to help the poor, chín-chi phîn-khiông. in spirit, hṳ-sim. poorhouse, phóu-chì-īⁿ.

poppy, eng-chhek-hue. pods, eng-chhek-khak..

populace, sù-mîn; peh-sèⁿ. popular, so̍k; tong-thâu; sî-kiâⁿ; ha̍h-sî-chèng.

population, nâng-teng. what is the? jie̍h-tsōi húe-tsàu? pńg-hieⁿ nâng-mue̍h. jie̍h-tsōi? kùi-tī nâng-mue̍h jie̍h-tsōi? populous, nâng-mue̍h tsōi; tsa̍t.

porcelain, hûi; jiâu-khùi; jiâu-khì.

porch, thap-tóu mn̂g-lâu; liáng-lâng.

porcupine, hô-tṳ.

pork, tṳ-ne̍k; tṳ-bah. fat of, pe̍h-ne̍k. lean of, chiàⁿ-ne̍k.

pores, môⁿ-kńg-tshng; môⁿ-khang; môⁿ-kńg-khang.

porpoise, thûn-hṳ̂; pe̍h-gôu-hṳ̂.

porridge, be̍h-kho̍h.

port, káng-kháu; pou-thâu. port-holes, phàu-khang.

portal, honorary, têng; têng-piáu.