Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/230

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question, mn̄g; poh-mn̄g; chhê-mn̄g; kiù-mn̄g; huáng-mn̄g; thèng-mn̄g. and answer, mn̄g-tap.

queue, the, piⁿ. to plait, pĩⁿ-piⁿ. to comb, siu-piⁿ. cut off, kuah-tiāu-piⁿ. to join, chiap-piⁿ; chiap-tsáng.

quick, méⁿ; khùe; kín. walk a little more quickly, kiâⁿ-mé--chē. in intelligence, tshong-mêng; lêng-lāi.

quicksilver, tsúi-ngṳ̂n.

quiet, chẽⁿ; tiām-chẽⁿ; thiâm-chẽⁿ.

quill, môⁿ-kńg; gô-môⁿ-kńg. pen, gô-môⁿ-pit.

quilt, to, a garment, ji̍p-mîⁿ; hâng-niûⁿ.

quinsy, aû-lêng jie̍t-thiàⁿ; âu thiàⁿ; âu seⁿ-sang-ngô.

quire, che̍k-to-tsúa.

quit, khṳ̀; sî; siá; khì; lī-khui.

quite, the same, pêⁿ-pêⁿ-iēⁿ. certain, tiāⁿ-tie̍h. right, chiũ-sĩ; tie̍h; put-tshò; bõi-tāⁿ; tùi-tùi. not quite up to, bô-hièⁿ-chiẽⁿ; bô-hièⁿ-kàu; tsua̍h se-su.

quiver, a, chìⁿ-tō.

quiver, to, khiū; tòng; tùn. with rage, khì kàu kha sih chhiú sih.

quoin, chiⁿ.

quote, ín-tsṳ; ín-kiaⁿ kṳ̃-tién.


rabbit, pe̍h-thòu; gue̍h-tshṳ́; chie̍h-tshṳ́.

rabble, kẽ-pín-nâng; hiã-liû-nâng; thóu-húiⁿ.

rabid, dog, siáu-káu; khûang-káu.

race, human, nâng-lūi. exterminate the, mi̍t-tso̍h chéng-lūi.

race, a, sie-tàu tsáu-iâⁿ; tàu-tsáu. horse-, sie-tàu pháu-bé; tòu-bé. boat-, sie-tàu kò-tsûn.

rack, a, kè; tû; tãng-kè. engine of punishment, hêng-kũ.

radiate, kuang-mâng sì-siā; kuang-siā; huat-kng; hâu-kng.

radiant, countenance, mīn ũ-kuang-tshái; múaⁿ-mīn hí-iông.

radical, kṳn-pún. the radicals, jī-bó; jī-bó-põu. this character belongs to the radical "nang", chí-kâi-jī sĩ-so̍k "nâng"-põu.