Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/231

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radius, pùaⁿ-keⁿ-sùaⁿ.

raft, sam-pâi; tek-pâi.

rafter, êⁿ.

rag, pòu-tshùi. ragged clothes, phùa-saⁿ-khòu.

rage, khì; náuⁿ-khì; náuⁿ-khì tshong-tshong; huat-náuⁿ.

rail, at, mēⁿ; chiù; chiù-mēⁿ; poih-mēⁿ.

railing, a, lâng-kan; lâng-kan-chí.

railway, húe-chhia; húe-chhia-lōu.

raiment, kûn-saⁿ; i-ho̍k; sin-chhēng. food and, chia̍h-chhēng.

rain, hõu. it rains, lo̍h-hõu; hõu--lâi. water, hõu-tsúi. rainy weather, thiⁿ-sî lo̍h-hõu. cleared up, hõu chêⁿ. wetted by, ak-tie̍h-hõu. driving into a place, hõu phuah--ji̍p-lâi.

rainbow, khẽng. there is a, tshut-khẽng.

raise, khí; khie̍h-khí; khie̍h-phû; hû-khí; hû-phû; kṳ́; kṳ́-khí; kṳ́-phû. soldiers, khí-piaⁿ. the head, tièⁿ-phû-thâu; tièⁿ-khí-thâu; kṳ́-khí-thâu. the eyes, kṳ́-ma̍k; tièⁿ-phû-ma̍k. money, by subscription, tôi-chîⁿ. dust, khí-sua-mûiⁿ; khí-sua-tîn; phi-phi-eng. cattle, chhī-cheng-seⁿ. wheat, chèng-be̍h. a subject, thî-phû; thî-khí. raised letters, kuah-phû-jī; khek-jī.

raisins, phû-thô-kuaⁿ.

rake, a, pê; khau-pê; chhek-pê. to, pê.

rally, soldiers, piaⁿ tsài-ho̍k-tsũ; piaⁿ tsài-kap-tīn; piaⁿ tsài-ha̍h-bûa.

ram, a, iêⁿ-kóu.

ramble, thit-thô; iû-kiâⁿ; ôiⁿ-iû; múaⁿ-kò-la̍h.

ramify, pun-ki pun-iẽⁿ.

rampart, kau-lúi; siâⁿ-chhiêⁿ.

rancid, hu-bī; ip-bī; ha-bī.

rancorous, abuse, mēⁿ kàu-chhi-gî.

random, talk, thèng-tàⁿ; thèng-tsãu-hùe tàⁿ.

range, hâng-lie̍t. beyond, of gun, chhèng phah-m̄-kàu.

rank, pín-khip. the nine ranks, káu-pín. the first, it-pín; téng-khip; thâu-téng. and file, tūi-ngóu. place in, pâi-tīn. ranks of nobility, ngóu-chiak: kong, hôu, pek, tsṳ́, lâm.

rank, to, with anyone, tâng-lie̍t; pêⁿ-tōa; phùe-tit-kùe.

ransack, chhîm-kàu-thàu; púe (looking for things in a heap). a city, sàu-chĩn; sàu-chẽng.

ransom, so̍k; so̍k-tńg; chhiú; chhiú-so̍k. for sin, so̍k-tsũe.