Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/246

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sake, for the sake of, in-ũi; uân-in; ũi-tie̍h.

salad, chheⁿ-tshài; phang-tshài.

salary, kang-chîⁿ; kang-tsṳ; hóng-lo̍k (official); iáng-liâm-ngṳ̂n (id.). of teacher, tsṳ-kim; sok-kim; sok-siu.

sale, on, tah-bōi; tshut-bōi. deed of, khòi.

saliva, nũaⁿ; tshùi-nũaⁿ. flowing, lâu-nũaⁿ.

sallow, mīn n̂g-n̂g.

sally, tshong-tshut.

salt, iâm. adj., kiâm. to, lõu-kiâm; seh-iâm; suah-iâm. -cellar, iâm-ti̍h; iâm-cheng. -pans, iâm-tiâⁿ; iâm-khu; iâm-tiêⁿ. to make salt in these, pha̍k-iâm; sài-iâm. medicinal salts, phok-siau; gê-siau.

saltpetre, siau; iâm-siau.

salubrious, tsúi-thóu hó; tī-khì hûa-phêng.

salute, pài; mn̄g-hāu; kióng-chhiú; ip-tsã; siang-chieh-mn̄g.

salve, ie̍h-ko; ko-ie̍h.

same, tâng; sie-tâng; che̍k-iēⁿ; pêⁿ-iēⁿ. not the, m̄-sie-tâng; koh-iēⁿ; tsua̍h. age, tâng-nîⁿ; nîⁿ-hùe phêng-kien; nîⁿ-kí sie-tâng. as before, i-kū; chiè-kū; chiũ-kū; zû-kū; i-ngûan; chiè-ngûan-tsá; chiè-tsôiⁿ; jêng-kū. as pattern, chiè-iēⁿ.

sample, iēⁿ; mōⁿ.

sand, sua. gritty, sua-bó. -bank, sua-pà; sua-phiâⁿ. sandy, seⁿ-sua. sandal-wood, thôaⁿ-tshâ; thôaⁿ-hieⁿ; thâng-hieⁿ.

sandals, straw, tsháu-ôi.

sane, sim tiāⁿ.

sanguinary, hàuⁿ-suah; hiong-pãu; tshâng-pãu.

sap, chhiū-nîⁿ; tsap. sapan-wood, sou-ba̍k.

sapphire, chheⁿ-ge̍k.

sarcastic, ki-hòng; ki-tshǹg.

sarcenet, kìn.

sash, tòa; ie-tòa; si-tòa.

satellite, sûi-chheⁿ; tùe-chheⁿ.

satiated, pá; chia̍h-kàu-pá; chia̍h-kàu-ṳ̀; chia̍h-kàu-màiⁿ.

satin, tn̄g.

satire, ki-tshǹg kâi-ūe. satirize, ki-ngí.

satisfied, sim múaⁿ, ì tsok; kùe-ì; tit-ì; tsai-tsok.

saturate, chìm; chìm-tsúi.

Saturday, lói-pài-la̍k; pài-la̍k.