Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/247

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Saturn, thóu-chheⁿ.

sauce, chièⁿ; sī-iû. -pan, ue.

saucer, tê-ti̍h; tê-tsûn; pûaⁿ-kiáⁿ.

saunter, ôiⁿ-iû; mān-pōu; ûn-ûn-kiâⁿ.

sausage, kùan-tn̂g. to fill, thn̄g-(or, tièⁿ-) kùan-tn̂g.

savage, chheⁿ-huan; chheⁿ-lôi; lôi-kiáⁿ. what a savage! iá--kùe chheⁿ-kha-huan!

save, kiù; kiù-iẽn; chéng-kiù. Saviour, Kiù-sì-tsú; Kiù-tsú.

saving, khiãm; khiãm-phok; liâm-khĩm; khṳ̂n-khiãm (industrious and); khieh-si̍p; sieh-chîⁿ.

savoury, phang; hó-bī-sòu.

saw, kṳ̀. to, kṳ̀-tshâ. saw-dust, kṳ̀-sut.

say, tàⁿ; káng; sueh. that is to say, ngân-khî. common sayings, so̍k-gṳ́; so̍k-ūe.

scab, a, phí; kit-phí. to become covered with, siu-phí; phok-phí; kien-phí. of small-pox, tsu-phí; tāu-phí. scabbed head, tshàu-thâu; mîⁿ-thâu-tshng.

scabbard, to-khak; to-sau; to-a̍p; to-sièⁿ.

scaffold, put up a, tah-in-kèⁿ.

scald, thǹg; kún-tsúi thǹg--tie̍h; lâm--tie̍h. scald-head, tsù-môⁿ-sién.

scale, to, peh-chiẽⁿ. scaling-ladder, siâⁿ-thui. a series, téng-khip.

scales, for weighing, thien-phêng; lî-chhìn. the pan of, thien-phêng-pûaⁿ; lî-chhìn-pûaⁿ.

scales, of fish, hṳ̂-lâng. to scrape off, kueh-tiāu hṳ̂-lâng; phah-tiāu hṳ̂-lâng. scaly skin, seⁿ-hṳ̂-lâng; seⁿ-tsûa-phûe.

scallion, kú-tshài.

scamp, a, láu-kiáⁿ; hùi-jîn. to scamp work, lãm-sám tsò-kang; kang-hu lãm-sám.

scamper, mã-mã-tsáu.

scandal, a, chhiú-sṳ̄. to talk, tàⁿ-nâng sĩ-hui; phì-sièⁿ; ngí-lũn nâng m̄-tie̍h. fond of, hàuⁿ-ngí-nâng.

scanty, chié; bô-uã.

scapula, pn̄g-sî-kut.

scar, hûn; sieⁿ-hûn; phùa-kiàⁿ; khieh-kóiⁿ; niàuⁿ-teng.

scarce, hán; lân-tit; chié; hi-hán.

scarcely, kṳ́n-kṳ́n; siè-siè. scarcity (famine), ki-hng; m̄-kàu-chia̍h. year of, hiong-nîⁿ; nîⁿ-tang m̄-hó; tang-chhêng m̄-hó.

scare, phièn-nâng-kiaⁿ; heh-nâng-kiaⁿ. -crow, tsháu-nâng.