Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/274

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ì; suit one, as clothes, kah-sin. suitable, kah-kah; khap-chhiet; kah-pān.

sullen, mīn pãu-pek; mīn-sek ou-àm; sèⁿ-chhêng m̄-hó; kou-ta̍k-sièⁿ; mīn pũ-àu pũ-àu; mīn hìm-hìm.

sulphur, liû-n̂g.

sultry, hiap-zua̍h; pãu-jie̍t; pek-zua̍h. wind, huang nãⁿ-nãⁿ.

sum, to, kāng-kòi; ha̍h-kāng; tsóng-kòi; tsóng-siàu; kat-tsóng-siàu. the sum of this is that─, tsóng zṳ̂-ngân--tsṳ─.

summary, tãi-ì; tãi-khài; tãi-iàu; tãi-tsóng-tsáng; tãi-lia̍k; iàu-ngân; pau-kuat.

summer, hē; hē-thiⁿ; zua̍h--thiⁿ. dress, zua̍h-saⁿ.

summit, téng. of hill, suaⁿ-téng.

summon, tiãu; tiãu-hàm; hàm; kiè. to issue a summons, tshut-phiè.

sumptuous, hong-hûa; phâi-chhiâng; phâng-phài (of feast).

sun, ji̍t; ji̍t-thâu; thài-iâng. light, ji̍t-kuang. beams, ji̍t-tsam. heat, ji̍t-khì. the sun is not strong, ji̍t-sek chíⁿ; ji̍t-tsháu chíⁿ. -rise, ji̍t tshut; ji̍t-thâu tshut; ji̍t khí. -set, ji̍t lo̍h; ji̍t-thâu lo̍h-suaⁿ. declining Westward, ji̍t siâ-sai. -dial, ji̍t-kui. shadow, ji̍t-iáⁿ. eclipse, ji̍t si̍h. to sun oneself, chieh-ji̍t. to dry in the sun, pha̍k-ji̍t; sài-ji̍t. sun-stroke, ji̍t pha̍k-sí (fatal); tòng-sú.

Sunday, lói-pài-ji̍t.

sundries, tsa̍p-hùe; tsa̍p-mu̍eh.

sunk, in vice, ji̍p-gūa-sṳ̄; tshap-ji̍p gūa-sṳ̄; jiám--tie̍h gūa-sṳ̄. sunken eyes, ma̍k thap-thap; ma̍k-chiu chhim-au.

supercargo, tshut-hái; thâu-ma̍k.

supercilious, ma̍k-khang tōa; thóiⁿ--nâng m̄-khí; thóiⁿ--nâng m̄-chiẽⁿ; thóiⁿ-nâng m̄-tõ-ma̍k-kak; ma̍k--tang bô-nâng; phâng jia̍k-bô-nâng.

supereminent, thiàu-khûn; tshut-chèng; tshut-thoh.

supererogation, hūn-gūa tsṳ-kong.

superficial, chhìn-tshái-tsò; sûi-piẽn-tsò; tshó-lia̍k; ma-ma-hu; gūa-phûe kâi-kang-hu; phûe-môⁿ kâi-kang-hu. learning, chhién-ha̍k.

superfine, siãng-téng-iùⁿ; tsùe-iùⁿ-sòi; cheng-sòi.

superfluous, iẽn-ṳ̂; mín-ēng. talk, lo-so; lo-lo so-so.

superintend, chiáng-kuán; lí; chiáng-lí; chiáng-chip; chiáng-siú; chip-lí; kam-tok; tok-kang; tiám-tok.