Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/275

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superior, to, iâⁿ; iâⁿ-kùe; kiêⁿ--kùe; kèng-hó. a, tōa--nâng; tõ-chiēⁿ kâi-nâng; chiēⁿ-pùe tsun-chiáng. officers, chiēⁿ-si. the superior man, kun-tsṳ́.

superlative, degree, chì; ke̍k; siãng; sĩm; kùe; tsa̍p-hun.

supernatural, beings, sîn-mêng; sîn.

supersede, thòi-tsò; chih-jīm.

superstition, sièn-siàⁿ; hàuⁿ-kú-kuài.

supper, mêⁿ-àm-pn̄g; mńg-pn̄g; àm-tǹg; mńg-tǹg. to cook, tsṳ́-mêⁿ-hng; pû-àm-pn̄g. The Lord's Supper, Tsú kâi-siàⁿ-tshan; mńg-tshan. to observe the, siú-mńg-tshan.

supplant, tsàm-tsǹg-nâng; tsàm-mông.

supple, jiû; jiû-nńg; nńg.

supplement, to, póu-khueh; póu-thiⁿ.

supply, keng-kip; kip-pun; kip-ṳ́.

support, iáng; iáng-io̍k. one's parents, hõng-iãng pẽ-bó; chhī-húe-si̍t; chhī-húe-thâu.

support, or hold up, hû; hû-phû; hû-khí; hû-kûiⁿ. a support, thiãu-tú; tú.

suppose, to, siẽⁿ; phah-sǹg; kòi-sǹg. I supposed (erroneously), sah--tsò; gî--tsò; siẽⁿ--tsò; gî-sĩ; kâu-kiè; khue-tiāⁿ; pān--tsò. supposing, pí-zũ; phì-zû; kiá-zû; kiá-sái; zû-jia̍k; tháng-jia̍k; siet-sái.

suppress, hìm-tiāu; chí-at; iap-chì; iap-ho̍k; teh; ji̍h. a book, tsṳ-chheh tui-ji̍p-khòu.

suppurate, seⁿ-lâng; pũ-lâng; kùan-lâng; kâm-lâng.

Supreme, The, Chì-Siãng--chiá.

sure, ún-kù; kien-kù; thó-tàng. surely, tiāⁿ-tie̍h.

surety, tam-sêng; tam-pó; pó-niáⁿ; tam-jīn; tong-pó.

surface, mīn; gūa-mīn; gūa-phûe; chiēⁿ-mīn; téng-mīn; mīn-téng. of the sea, hái-mīn.

surgeon, gūa-khue sin-seⁿ; ui-sieⁿ-kháu sin-seⁿ.

surly, kou-phiah; kou-ta̍k-sièⁿ.

surname, sèⁿ. what is your? kùi-sèⁿ? my surname is, pĩ-sèⁿ; mûiⁿ-sèⁿ.

surpass, the whole world, kài-sì. see SUPERIOR.

surplus, ũ-ṳ̂; tshûn; sīn.

surprise, kiaⁿ-hãi; hãi-ĩ; khî-ĩ.

surrender, hâng; hâng-ho̍k; kùa mín-chièn-pâi.

surround, ûi; sì-ûi; chiu-ûi sì-phìⁿ; thûan-thûan ûi-tsũ; tshûan-ûi.