Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/276

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survey, land, chiãng-tī; chiãng-tshân; niêⁿ-tshân. a coast, thàm-sua-tsúi. troops, thóiⁿ-tshau.

suspect, gî; tshai-gî; gî-tshai; kiaⁿ-ùi; khióng-phàⁿ.

suspend, to, tiàu; hûiⁿ; kùa.

suspense, khùa-sim; khùa-lṳ̃; khùa-liãm; khùa-mōⁿ; hûiⁿ-mōⁿ; hûiⁿ-hûiⁿ tõ-mōⁿ.

suspicious, khó-gî; hó-gî; móng-móng. person, to-gî.

sustain, hû-khí; hû-tsõ; tsài. can, káⁿ-tng. I cannot sustain it, uá m̄-káⁿ-tng; sêng-tsài m̄-khí.

suture, thīⁿ-tsūe; tsam-tsūe; to-hûn; sùaⁿ-tsūe.

swagger, iâu-iâu pái-pái.

swallow, ìⁿ; ìⁿ-chiáu. nest of, ìⁿ-siū; ìⁿ-tàu. edible nests, ièn-o.

swallow, to, thun; thun--lo̍h-khṳ̀. with effort, kṳ̃--lo̍h-khṳ̀.

swan, khok; thien-gô.

swarm, che̍k-khûn. swarming with fish, hṳ̂ kãu-tsãi.

swathe, tîⁿ; tsat; pau.

sway, to, in the wind, iâu-lâi iâu-khṳ̀.

swear, huat-sī; mêng-sī. before heaven, tng-thiⁿ mêng-sī.

sweat, kūaⁿ. to, lâu-kūaⁿ. see PERSPIRE.

sweep, sàu; sueh; tshóiⁿ; pũaⁿ. together, with fingers, sa-bûa.

sweet, tiâm; kam; kam-tiâm. -meats, tiâm-liāu; thn̂g-liāu; mu̍eh-chia̍h. words, ki-tshùi chhî-chhî-tiâm. sweeten, suah-thn̂g; lo̍h-thn̂g; chhiau-thn̂g. smell, phang. sweet-bread, or pancreas, of pig, tṳ-chhieh.

swell, to, chéng; chéng--khí-lâi; chéng-hap; hap; chéng-tǹg. slightly, as from insect bites, phûe hàng-hàng.

swift, méⁿ; khùe; sok.

swim, siû; siû-tsúi; phû-tsúi (to float).

swindle, kuang-phièn; kuang-lau; lau-phièn-nâng. swindler, láu-kiáⁿ.

swing, a, chheng-chhiu; chhien-chhiu. to, phah chheng-chhiu; sõ-lâi sõ-khṳ̀.

swine, tṳ. to keep, chhī-tṳ.

swoon, m̄-tsai-nâng; sit-sîn; hun-kông; hun-mîⁿ.

sword, to; kiàm. exercise, bú-to mõng-kiàm. to draw, po̍ih-to. to sheath, to ji̍p-to-khak.

sycee, uâng-pó; khiàu-thâu-si; khò-si.

sycophant, tsù-kiong; pui-thiám; thiám-mĩⁿ.