Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/287

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tongue, chi̍h. tip of, chi̍h-thâu. to put out the, chi̍h tshun--tshut-lâi. to scrape the, kueh-chi̍h. tongue scraper, chi̍h-kueh. mother-tongue, pńg-tī-ūe; pńg-thôu-ūe; thôu-im.

tonic, a, póu-ie̍h; póu-pî-ie̍h; póu-khì-kueh.

tonight, kim-mêⁿ; mêⁿ-hng; kim mńg; kim-siau.

too, many, khah-tsōi. large, khah-tōa; khah-kùe-tōa. much, khah-ke; khah-kùe-thâu. young, hûan-iáu-chíⁿ; khah-chíⁿ. ripe, kùe-se̍k. do not be too sad, màiⁿ-khah kùe-lṳ̃; mín-ēng hièⁿ-kùe-lṳ̃.

tools, ke-húe; khì-kũ; khì-mue̍h.

tooth, -ache, khí thiàⁿ. -brush, khí-sueh. -pick, khí-thak. -powder, khí-hún. see TEETH.

top, téng; thâu; mīn; téng-mīn; chiēⁿ-mīn; mīn-chiēⁿ. of a hill, suaⁿ-téng. topmost, téng-téng; siãng-téng. topsy-turvy, tin-tò-thâu; tin-tò-thâu-chèng.

top, a, hâm-lâm-su̍t. to spin a, phah-hâm-lâm-su̍t.

torch, húe-pé; húe-nāⁿ.

torment, khóu-tshó; thiàⁿ-tshó lân-tng. to, kia-khóu.

torrent, kip-tsúi; hûeⁿ-lâu; suaⁿ-thuaⁿ.

tortoise, ku. -shell, ku-khak; ta-pūe.

tortuous, i-uan khih-khek; uan-uan khek-khek.

torture, to examine with, kháu-phah; kui; kui-mn̄g.

toss, up, tiāu-khí. to catch in the hand a thing that has been tossed up, sah. to toss about, zũan-tiāu. to toss in pain, pūi-pua̍h.

total, the, kāng-kòi; tsóng-sǹg ha̍h-kòi; tsóng-kat; tsóng-sǹg. totally, chĩn; kan-chẽng; liáu-liáu; tsò-che̍k-ē; tsa̍p-hun.

totter, to, bái-a-bái; uái-a-uái; kiâⁿ-lōu iâu-hiám; àiⁿ-pua̍h; àiⁿ-tó.

touch, to, thãng; mông. don't touch it, chhiú màiⁿ-thãng; chhiú màiⁿ-tiaⁿ--tie̍h. touch me not (flower), tsńg-kah-hue. touchstone, chhì-kim-chie̍h. touchhole, húe-mn̂g; chhèng-mn̂g; húe-hĩⁿ-khang.

touchy, chheⁿ-mīn-hóuⁿ.

tough, zūn; ngẽ.

tow, to, as one ship another, tõa-tsûn; tshūa-tsûn. as men pullling boat with rope, po̍ih-tsûn; khan-tsûn; thua-tsûn; mán-tsûn.

towards, hiàng; niàⁿ. fled towards the city, mōⁿ-siâⁿ tsáu.