Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/288

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towel, kṳn; pòu; mīn-pòu; e̍k-pòu.

tower, thah; mōⁿ-lâu.

town, siâⁿ; siâⁿ-ip; pou-thâu; hṳ-chhĩ (with fixed market days).

toy, ang-kiáⁿ; thit-thô-mue̍h.

trace, a, tsong-chiah; hûn-chiah; iáⁿ-chiah. to trace, chhîm-tui tsong-chiah. to trace writing, on thin paper, biê-jī; biê-keh; biê-thoih.

track, a, lōu. of a wheel, chhia-kau-khut; chhia-lōu. trackless, bô-tsong bô-chiah.

track, to, a boat, po̍ih-tsûn. see TOW.

tract, or region, tī-hng.

tract, or treatise, khǹg-sì-bûn; siẽn-tsṳ; tsa̍p-chheh.

trade, seng-lí. to, tsò-seng-lí; bói-bōi. stagnation of, hùe-mue̍h m̄-siau.

tradition, kóu-thûan. oral, kháu-thûan.

traffic, seng-lí. great, jie̍t; lāu-jie̍t.

tragedy, chhiet-hì; khóu-hì; tshám-tshut; tshám-chhêng-hì; khóu-tshut.

trail, to, thua; thua-thôu.

train, to, kà; kà-io̍k. soldiers, tshau-piaⁿ; tshau-liēn-piaⁿ; tshau-piaⁿ liēn-tsut.

train, a, kṳn-pan; sûi-tsõng; kṳn-sûi.

trait, a good, che̍k-tn̄g hó-sim; che̍k-kiãⁿ-sṳ̄ hó-tshú.

traitor, bōi-kok; kōi-kun; kan-chhîn; bōi-làn kun-uâng; tsò-sùaⁿ.

trample, on. tshau-ta̍h; lūn-ta̍h. to death, ta̍h-sí; lūn-sí. on the law, ma̍k bô-uâng-chiang.

trance, to fall into a, sim-sîn iû tõ-mu̍eh-siãng hṳ́-gūa.

tranquillity, thài-phêng; uaⁿ-chẽⁿ; phêng-an; phêng-chẽⁿ. tranquillize, phêng; uaⁿ-ùe.

transact, business, phōiⁿ-sṳ̄; lí-sṳ̄; lí-sṳ̄-bũ.

transcribe, tshau; tshau-siá; piâⁿ; piâⁿ--kùe-lâi.

transfer, thûan; siá--khṳt-nâng; kau-hù; seng-thiau (as burden or responsibility); seng-thiâu (to make a mutual exchange of office); thiâu-ūaⁿ (id.).

transform, pièn; pièn-hùe; pièn-tńg; pièn-ūaⁿ.

transgress, huãm-huap; kùe-huãm. transgression, tsũe; kùe-sit.

transitory, chiãm-sî; bô-kú.

translate, huan-e̍k; e̍k. from book style into colloquial, sueh-tsṳ; kói-sueh; sueh-tsò pe̍h-ūe. a translator or