Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/59

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cogitation, sim-sṳ; siẽⁿ-thâu; liãm-thâu; chhim-siẽⁿ; sṳ-siẽⁿ.

cognizance, jīn; tsai; pat.

cohabit, tâng-kṳ; tsò-pû khiã-khí.

coherent, siang-liên. composition, kùan-tshùan.

coil, khuan-che̍k-khou.

coin, chîⁿ; ngṳ̂n. to coin, tsù-chîⁿ; tsù-ngṳ̂n. stamp for, chîⁿ-bôu. coiner of false money, sai-siet chîⁿ-lôu; thau-tsù-chîⁿ.

coincide, siang-ha̍h; siang-tùi.

cold, chhín; ngân; tàng; kûaⁿ; liâng (cool). catch cold, sieⁿ-huang; kûaⁿ--tie̍h. die from cold, kûaⁿ-sí. cold and heat, kûaⁿ-zua̍h; hàn-sú. coldly, chhêng-ì néⁿ; po̍h-chhêng. cold and hunger, ki-hân; siũ-kûaⁿ siũ-gō. cold in the head, chhek-tsúi.

colic, tie̍h-sua; tóu thiàⁿ; ká-tn̂g-sua; tóu thiàⁿ húan-húan ho̍k-ho̍k; tóu iû-chhiû-thiàⁿ. acute, tie̍h-kín-sua.

collapse, tó-tha̍p.

collar, ãm-niáⁿ; niáⁿ.

collate, siang-tùi-chiè.

colleague, in office, tâng-liâu; liâu-iú. in study, theng-iú; tâng-theng.

collect, as congregation, tsũ-chi̍p; tsũ-hũe; hũe-chi̍p. wealth, tun-kim chek-ge̍k; chek-tshâi. taxes, siu-niêⁿ. the crop, siu-chhek; siu-tang. collecter of taxes, niêⁿ-chhe.

college, tsṳ-īⁿ. the Imperial college, hân-lîm-īⁿ.

collision, sie-tsuãng; tiāⁿ-tsuãng--tie̍h; sie-lṳ̂--tie̍h.

colloquy, tsò-pû phue̍h-ūe. colloquial, pe̍h-ūe; thóu-thâm; thóu-ūe; so̍k-ūe; kháu-thâu-gṳ́.

collusion, kàu-niêⁿ phièn-nâng; tâng-mông.

colonel, hia̍p-thâi; hù-chiàng.

colonize, tshàng-kṳ. colony, sin-tshàng-kṳ kâi-tī-hng.

colour, sek. the five colours, ngóu-sek:-ou, âng, chhiah, pe̍h, chheⁿ. deep colour, chhim-sek. light, chhién-sek. mixed, kòiⁿ-sek; tsa̍p-sek. change, pièn-sek. lose, pièn-sek; thò-sek; tsáu-sek. colour or dye, jiám-sek; níⁿ-sek; làm. dressed in glaring colours, ho̍k-sek hue-hue liú-liú; khah-chhieⁿ.

colt, bé-kiáⁿ.

column, pillar, thiãu. of print, tsūe; hâng; tiâu.

comb, siu; tshâ-siu; kak-siu. small-toothed, sat-pìn. comb