Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/60

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the hair, siu-thâu; siu-thâu-môⁿ; siu-piⁿ; pìn-mop̂. weaver's comb, pòu-siu. cockscomb, koi-kùe. honey-comb, bi̍t-pâng.

combat, tá-chièn; kau-chièn; sie-thâi; sie-phah.

combine, sie-kap; kap tsò-che̍k-ē; sie-chia̍h. strength, tâng-sim hia̍p-la̍t. in an association, pài-hũe; kat-táng (bad). in trade, tsò-húe-kì. in prayer, khòi-ha̍h khî-táu.

combustible, õi-ín-húe; õi-to̍h-húe.

come, lâi. near, bûa--lâi. up, khí--lâi. down, lo̍h--lâi. back, tńg--lâi; hûe--lâi. come and go, lâi-uáng; uáng-lâi. forth, tshut--lâi. come away, lâi-khṳ̀. he has come, lâi--liáu; kàu--liáu. I will come after you, Uá sûi-ãu chiũ-lâi. in time to come, chiang-lâi; ẽ-ji̍t; ãu-lâi; ãu-ji̍t.

comedy, hì-súa; pêⁿ-búe-hì.

comely, múiⁿ-mãuⁿ; chhiàu-kè; seⁿ-phâi-chhiâng.

comet, sàu-soi-chheⁿ; hũi-chheⁿ.

comfort, to, uaⁿ-ùe; khn̍g-ùe; khn̍g-kòi; bú-ùe.

comfortable, khùaⁿ-ua̍h; tsṳ̃-tsãi; khin-sang; sóng-khuài.

comic, hó-chhiè.

comma, tāu-tiám.

command, hun-hù; lẽng; mẽng; hàm. a command, kài; kài-mẽng; mẽng-lẽng. the ten commandments, tsa̍p-tiâu-kài.

commander, kúan-piaⁿ thâu-ma̍k. in chief, ngûan-sùe; tsú-sùe.

commemorate, kì-liãm; kì-lo̍k. day of joyful commemoration, khèng-ji̍t.

commence, khí-thâu; khui-chhiú; khí-kang; tsho-ē lâi-tsò. a journey, khí-thêng; khí-kiâⁿ; khí-sin. writing, lo̍h-pit. commencement, tsho-thâu; tsho-thâu-ē; khí-soiⁿ; khí-tsho.

commend, thâi-kṳ́; chiàu-èng; kṳ́-chìn; tshue-hṳ. praise, o-ló; chheng-tsàn.

comment, tsù-kói; kói-sueh. commentary, tsù-kói; tsù-sek.

commerce, seng-lí. to carry on, tsò-seng-lí.

commiserate, khó-liên; liên-mién; khó-sieh.

commission, to, thoh-jĩm; kià-thoh; hù-thoh; úi; úi-thoh; chhe-sái. a com., mẽng-lẽng. see credentials.

commissioner, khim-chhe (Imperial); úi-uân (deputy of superior mandarin). of customs, sùe-bũ-si.