Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/70

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tham-tshâi; m̄-chiàⁿ. corruptible, õi-hùi-hāi; õi-hùi-hũai; kōi-hāi kâi-mue̍h.

corsair, hái-tsha̍t.

cosmetic, in-nîⁿ; tsõ-hún; âng-hún; in-chí-hún.

cost, só-hùi; kè; kè-chîⁿ. how much does it cost? ta̍t jie̍h-tsōi-chîⁿ. costly, ta̍t-chîⁿ; kè-thâu kùi.

costive, chek-thì; tãi-piẽn m̄-kiâⁿ; tãi-piẽn kou-kak; tãi-piẽn pĩ-kat; tãi-piẽn kou-kie̍t.

costume, tá-pàn; tsuang-pàn; i-ho̍k; ho̍k-sek.

cottage, tshù-kiáⁿ.

cotton, mîⁿ; mîⁿ-hue. cloth, ka-pùa; pòu. thread, sùaⁿ; se-sùaⁿ. to beat with bow and string, phah-mîⁿ; phah-po̍k-peng.

couch, tshun-tèng, tn̂g-íⁿ; liâng-íⁿ.

cough, ka-sàu; sàu. with expectoration, thâm-sàu.

coulter, lôi-thâu.

council, kong-ngí; kong-lũn; chèng-ngí; hũe-ngí. room, kong-só; kong-thiaⁿ.

counsel, a person, khǹg; khǹg-kòi; kà; khai-tãu.

count, sn̍g; siàu; sn̍g-siàu. countless, bô-huap-siàu; m̄-pat-kò-sn̍g; bû-sù.

countenance, mīn; mīn-mãuⁿ; mīn-sek; iông-mãuⁿ; iông-sek. to change, mīn pièn-sek; mīn tsak-sek.

counter, phòu-kūiⁿ; phòu-tsôiⁿ-kūiⁿ; phòu-tshn̂g.

counteract, tsó-chí; tsó-tàng; hāi-sṳ̄ m̄-chiâⁿ; phùa-kòi; tùi-te̍k; te̍k.

counterbalance, thīn-thâu; tùi-phêng.

counterfeit, ké; ké-tsò; ngũi-ûi; tsuang-tsò; tèⁿ-tsò; tsò--kâi. dollar, ké-ngṳ̂n; ngũi-ngṳ̂n.

countermand, chiau lẽng, sek kói.

counterpane, phũe-toaⁿ.

counterpoise, chhìn-thûi; tô-chí. see counterbalance.

counting-house, tièⁿ-pâng.

country, kok; pang; tī-hng. foreign countries, gūa-kok; gūa-pang. as dist. from town, hieⁿ-ẽ.

county, hú; chiu.

couple, che̍k-sang; kàu-tùi; kàu-sang; sêng-sang; nõⁿ-nâng; che̍k-tùi. married, ang-chiá; hu-hũ; hu-chhi; kong-phûa.

courage, to have, ũ-táⁿ; ũ-táⁿ-la̍t; hó-táⁿ; káⁿ; ióng-káⁿ. to stir up one's, tsòng-táⁿ; tsõ-táⁿ.

courier, tshoiⁿ-lí-bé.