Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/71

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course, lōu; tãu; thû; lōu-thû; tãu-thû; tãu-lōu. of course, tsṳ̃-jiên; thien-jiên; thien-seⁿ; thiⁿ-seⁿ tsṳ̃-jiên.

court, royal, chhiâu-thêng. go to, chiẽⁿ-chhiâu; chhiâu-kun. hold, tsõ-chhiâu. dress, chhiâu-ho̍k. courtiers, gṳ̄-tsôiⁿ tãi-chhîn. ladies, keng-nn̍g. court of justice, gê-mn̂g. to hold, lãu-tia tsõ-tn̂g. yard, thim-chéⁿ; thien-chéⁿ; tiâⁿ.

courteous, ũ-lói-mãuⁿ; ũ-lí-mãuⁿ; hiáu-lí; lói-siàu kàu-kak; hiáu-lói-ngî.

courtesan, hue-niêⁿ; chhiang-kĩ; láu-kṳ́; khiàu-búe.

cousin, of same surname, chek-peh hiaⁿ-tĩ; thâng-hiaⁿ-tĩ; tsõng-hiaⁿ-tĩ (more remote). of different surname, pié-hiaⁿ-tĩ; î-pié hiaⁿ-tĩ (children of two sisters); kou-pié hiaⁿ-tĩ (children of brother and sister).

cove, hái-ò.

covenant, ieh. make, li̍p-ieh; kat-ieh. break, sit-ieh; bûang-ieh; pũe-ieh.

cover, khàm; chia. the face, chia-mīn; iám-mīn. a book, kap-tsṳ-chheh. of a book, tsṳ-chheh-ko̍ih; chheh-phûe. cover with earth, kám-thôu; kám tõ-thôu-tī. covered with mud, che̍k-sin kôu-tie̍h-thôu. covered with wounds, thong-sin sieⁿ-kháu. mat cover on a boat, phâng-kám.

coverlet, phũe; phũe-toaⁿ; phũe-mīn.

covert, àm-chẽⁿ tī-hng; hó-tiàm kâi ūi-tshṳ̀. secret, àm-chẽⁿ; sai-ẽ; sai-khia-ẽ.

covet, tham; tham-àiⁿ; tham-siẽⁿ. covetous, tham-sim; tham-lĩ; tham-tshâi; tham-chîⁿ; tham-tshâi tõng-lĩ; thóiⁿ-chîⁿ tōa-kâi.

cow, gû; gû-bó. common, n̂g-gû; chhiah-gû. water-buffalo, tsúi-gû. cowherd, chiéⁿ-gû. cowhouse, gû-koiⁿ; gû-pâng.

coward, bó-táⁿ; táⁿ khiap; táⁿ sòi; sòi-táⁿ, bun-táⁿ.

coxcomb, hàuⁿ-tsuang-hûang; hàuⁿ-iâu-pái; hùuⁿ-thì-tsò; hàuⁿ-tsuang-tsò.

coy, modest, ũ-liâm-chhí. bashful, ùi-siáu-lí; m̄-káⁿ kìⁿ-nâng.

cozen, kuang-phièn; khi-phièn; mûaⁿ-phièn.

crab, hõi; phâng-hõi; môⁿ-hõi; chhi̍h; pê-khî; to̍k-kha-khî.

crabbed, look, àu-mīn; mīn àu-àu; mīn pũ-àu pã-àu.

crack, li̍h; phùa; phùa-li̍h; li̍h-phùa; pit; pit-li̍h. a crack, pit-hûn; li̍h-hûn; hûn-chiah; hûn-phāng. crackers, phòng-phiẽ. to fire off, phah-phòng-phiẽ.

crackle, pit-piak-kiè.