Page:English Historical Review Volume 35.djvu/434

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4J26 PROCEEDINGS IN THE July Howell of Romsey, yoman, seruauntes to Syr Robert Cheyne, knight, accompanyed with diuerse Riottoux personnes to the nombre of Ix and moo, armed in maner of Warre, that is to say in Jacques, salettes, bowes, arowes and other armures, defensibly and Riotouxly with force and arms the yere and daye aforsaid entred into the aforesaid Manoirs, and therof in Riotoux wise, put oute James Marcus, then being tenaunt and fermour of the forsaid Manoirs vnto the said Syr William, and the goodes and Catalles of the said James in the said Manoirs being, wherof the nombre and certaintee in a SceduUe herunto annexed ^ is conteigned, Riotouxly toke and kest oute of the said Manoirs, and the graines of the said Manoirs therin being, that is to say two Carte loodes of barley, two Carte loodes of oates and oon loode of haye, riotouxly with force and armes spoilled with their horses, eete, toke and devoured and carried awaye, to the great hurte and vndoyng of the said James Marcus, wherby he is vnable to content and paye the sayd Syr William his Rent and ferm of the said Manoirs ; and moreouer charged and commaunded the said James to avoide the possession of the said Manoirs within iiij wekes after Michelmas next folowing, or elles it shulde cost him his lief and goodes : and also it was saide openly by the said misdoers that if they or any of them might mete the said Syr William Stoner it shulde cost him his lief : and also the said Thomas Dormer and John Welles accompanyed with diuerse Riottoux personnes to your said suppliant vnknowen maketh daily manasses and thretenynges that if the said James Marcus or any other persone occupie the said Manoirs or any parcell therof as tenaimtes and fermours vnto the said Syr William, that then they shal not be in suertie of noo goodes ne Catalles, ne also of their persones, without daunger of lief ; to a right perilloux example of other misdoers, withoute a due punishment in this behalue. Wherfore, please it your grace, the premisses considered to directe your letters of priue Seal vnto the said Thomas Dormer and John Welles with the other aboue named, seuerally commaunding them by the same to appere before the lordes of your honnourable Counsaille at a certain day and vpon a certain peyne by your highnes to be limitted : And on that commaunding the said Thomas Dormer with the other aboue said to appere as before is reherced to aunswer to the said Riottes and other the premisses. And your said oratour shal pray to God for your moost noble estate longe tendure. Emanarunt inde littere sub priuato sigillo xviij" die Octobris anno regni regis H, vij vij", directe personis superscriptis ad com- parendum apud Westm. crastino Animarum, sub pena cuilibet illorum centum librarum. This is the aunswere of Thomas Dormer and John Welles to the bille of compleynt of Sir William Stoner, knyght. They seyen that the matier of the seid bille is matier feaned and of noo trouth, and sued onely to put the seid Thomas Dormer to vexacion and charge. And he saith that the said sir William hath taken ayenst the seid Thomas and John an accion of trespasse and a Writte of forcible ' Not now preserved