Page:English Historical Review Volume 35.djvu/435

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1920 COURT OF STAR CHAMBER 427 entree for the entre into the same landez in the comen place, whiche yet hangeth vndiscussed. And the seid sir William, beyng a man of grete myght, taketh alle the meanes he can to vexe and trouble the seid Thomas, he beyng a powre man and havyng noon other substaunce to lyve by but the seid landes, so that he entendeth therby to wery the same Thomas and to cause hym to leve his interesse in the seid landes. How be it for declaracion of trouth and answere to the seid bille the seid Thomas and John sayen that afore this tyme the same Thomas sued a bille afore the kinges highnesse and the lordez of his most honorable Counseill ayenst the seid sir William for the seid maner and landez, to the which the seid sir William made aunswer, and the seid Thomas Dormer replied ; and after they were at issue the matier was directed by you my lord Chaunceler and other lordez of the kinges moost honorable Counseill to sir Roger Townesende and John Vavasour, ij of the Kinges Justices of his comen place, and before theym the euidences of bothe parties were shewed, by whiche it appeared the title of the seid Thomas to be good to the seid Maners and landez as by the Reporte made by the seid Justices in writing of their owen handes redy to be shewed more pleynly it appereth. And ouer that the seid Thomas and John Welles sayen that one sir Robert Cheyny, knyght, and other were and yet be seased of the maners of Nusselyng and Beaufoos with thappurtenaunces in the seid bille named in their demeanez as. of fee to thuse and behoof of the seid Thomas Dormer and of his heirez : and so seased sufEred oon James Markes to occupy the same Maners with their appurtenaunces at their wille, paying therfore the Rent therof due, the whiche the same James promysed for the tyme that he did occupie it so to do, and afterwardes for the Rent beyng behynde at the Fest of Thannunciacion of our Lady last past and next after the seid promyse the seid Thomas Dormer distreyned in the seid Maner of Beaufoos, at the whiche tyme the seid James, than ser- uaunte to the seid sir William Stoner, accompanyed with many of the seruauntes and frendes of the seid sir William to the nombre of vij score or nere theraboute, defensibly and in maner of Werre arrayed, by the procuryng and steryng of the same sir William Stoner and his frendez, riottously by them assawted the seid Thomas Dormer and not onely toke from hym the seid distresse but also put hym in grete Joperdie of his lyfe contrary to the lawe and alle good reason. And the seid sir Robert Cheyny perceyvyng this vnlawfull demeanyney came vnto the seid Maners, and the seid Thomas Dormer, John Welles and other in the seid bille named then with hym in peasible wyse, and discharged the seid James Markes that he shuld noo lenger ther occupye ; at whiche tyme he truly contented and paid for alle suche stuff as by hym or any his seruauntes ther was occupied or had. And for that the seid sir Robert wolde in no wise but that alle thinge ther then spent shuld truly be payd fore, he sent a seruaunt of his to the wyfe of the seid James to know wheder she were paid for all thing there at that tyme spent. And she sent hym worde by his seid seruaunt that she was for all thing contented and paid. Without that the seid Thomas Dormer and John Welles and other in the seid bille named entred with force and riottousely as by the same is allegged : and without that they toke, spoyled or caried awey any of