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Olive-oil, its value as food, 262
Opium, the Invocation to, 168, 169, 180
Otto, waiter in Krisch's, 260

Palmer, Lynwood, and Boyde, 159, 206, 208
attends trial of Boyde, 203
kindness to author, 158
Patanjali, "Aphorisms" of, 28 et seq., 255
Pawnbroking, experiences of, 88 et seq., 110, 120, 252
Paxton, 233, 236 et seq., 246, 249
Pember, G. H., evangelical writer of prophetic school, 30, 31
Police, New York, the Tammany system and, 107, 183
Potter, Bishop, officiates at wedding of James Speyer, 304
Prison as "a proper vestibule to a city of Damned Souls," 109

Rainy Lake City, arrival at, 246
desolateness of, 248
Rainy River district, gold discovered in, 232
Reporter, a drunken, 108
Reporting for New York papers, experiences acquired from, 92
Revivalist movement, author and, 23
Roosevelt's Rough Riders, 301
Roper, and Boyde, 197, 198, 199
Ryan, a Tammany magistrate, 201

Schmidt, "Von," personality of, 276
warns author against Brodie, 275, 277 et seq.
Scott, Mr., revivalist, 28
Scribner's Magazine, "A Vagrant's Epitaph" in, 290
Selton, Morton, and his understudy, 86
Sevenoaks, a reminiscence of schooldays at, 253
Shakespearean rehearsals on Lake Rosseau, 75, 77
Smedley, Mr., posing for, 112, 158
Smith, Goldwin, and his private secretary, 37
Smith, Stanley, 23
Smythe, Judge, replaced by John Goff as Recorder, 232
sentences Boyde, 203
"Snipe" hunting, definition of, 214, 215
Social reporting, experiences of, 225
Sothern advances money to Boyde, 206
Spanish-American War, the, 301
Spectator reviews author's published stories, 224
Spencer, Herbert, A. H. Louis's talks with, 269
Speyer, James, a letter of introduction to, 297
a present to author, 304
and the University Settlement movement, 299
as friend and employer, 299
as philanthropist, 298, 299
author becomes secretary to, 297 et seq.
marriage of, 304
tact and kindly feeling of, 298
Speyer, Sir Edgar, 298, 300
Spiritualism, a doctor's exposition of, 52, 53
Spiritualist, a cement-maker as, 55
Staten Island, a cricket match on, 85, 86
Stephen, Sir George, 65
Stevenson, R. L., a dictum of, 78
Stewart, Sir Donald, 65
Storey, Mr., editor of Harper's Young People, accepts an article by author, 84
Strathcona, Lord, 5
Studd brothers (cricketers), 23
Sullivan, Tim, and his rival saloon, 19

Tammany Hall, a Committee of Investigation into methods of, 232
Tammany system, the, 97, 107
the "Tenderloin" region and, 183