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Temperance and General Life Assurance Company, author's post in, 6, 18
Terry, Ellen, interview with, 106
Theosophical Society meetings, attendance at, 107
Theosophy, author's early interest in, 32
"The Interpreters," by A. E., 218, 219
"The Listener," 163, 266
Tombs Police Court and Prison, the, 99
trial of Boyde at, 200
Toronto, author as hotel proprietor in, 39

Understanding, a spiritual wisdom, 270, 271
Union League Club dinner, author's maiden speech at, 5, 291
University Settlement movement, the, James Speyer and, 299

"Vagrant's Epitaph, A," 290
van Horne, Sir William, 5, 65
Vermin-infested bedroom, an uncomfortable night in a, 85

Wallace, Professor, of Edinburgh University, 14
Whitey, a parting present of a bottle of rye whisky, 234, 237
hints to author, 96-98
Withrow, Dr., editor of Methodis Magazine, 6 et seq.

Yonkers theatre, a realistic scene in a, 257

Zogbaum, illustrator, 158