Page:Esperanto (The Universal Language).djvu/31

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Ĉu denotes an interrogation, as Ĉu li legas? Does he read? It is also used in indirect questions, when it means "whether."


As in English, double negatives must not be used.

Mi nenion trovis, I found nothing.
Ŝi neniun vidis en la palaco, she saw no one in the palace.


In answers to questions beginning with "Kien," "where" (meaning direction), the word or words must have the termination of the objective. As, Kien li iras? Where does he go? (Where is he going?) Li iras ĝardenon—Londonon. He goes (or is going) to a garden—to London.


The Article.

1. There is no indefinite article in Esperanto.

It is contained in the Noun (as in Latin) according as the sense does or does not require it, as:

Rozo estas flow, a rose is a flower.
Patro kaj frato, father and brother.

2. The definite article is La, the. (It is invariable).

La patro, the father.La patrino, the mother.
La tablo, the table.La patroj, the fathers.
La birdoj estas sur la arbo, the birds are on the tree.