Page:Essay on the Principles of Translation - Tytler (1791, 1st ed).djvu/105

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Chap. V.

viva ebrius dixisset. De ira, lib. 3. c. II. "Thrasippus, in his drink, fell foul upon the cruelties of Pisistratus."

From the same defect of taste, the simple and natural manner degenerates into the childish and insipid.

J'ai perdu tout mon bonheur,
J'ai perdu mon serviteur,
Colin me délaiffe.
Helas! il a pu changer!
Je voudrois n' y plus songer:
J'y songe sans cesse.
Rousseau, Devin de Village.

I've lost my love, I've lost my swain;
Colin leaves me with disdain.
Naughty Colin! hateful thought!
To Colinette her Colin's naught.
I will forget him—that I will!
Ah, t'wont do—I love him still.