Page:Essay on the Principles of Translation - Tytler (1791, 1st ed).djvu/153

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Chap. IX.

those estates you mention, when Balbus had just before been paying you a visit?" Melmoth, Cic. Ep. 8. 24.

Non tu homo ridiculus es, qui cum Balbus noster apud to fuerit, ex me quæras quid de istis municipiis et agris futurum putem? Cic. Ep. 9. 17.

"And now I have raised your expectations of this piece, I doubt you will be disappointed when it comes to your hands. In the meanwhile, however, you may expect it, as something that will please you: And who knows but it may?" Plin. Ep. 8. 3.

Erexi expectationem tuam; quam vereor ne destituat oratio in manus sumpta. Inte-rim