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Some may be thinking. Alas ! God hath ſaid nothing to me, that I may put him to his word. Why, man, if the goſpel that is the Bible, be preached to you, and if there be any word of grace therein ſuitable to your caſe, then put not away the word from you, but take it, and plead upon it, that God would do as he hath ſaid. If you can ſee any word of promiſe ſuited to your caſe, and to your need, then put to your hand by faith, and lay hold upon his word.

Oh ! ſay you, is there any word from God about my caſe, who am a poor needy creature like to ſtarve for want of a ſpiritual meal, and a hearty draught of the living waters that go out from Jeruſalem. What hath God ſaid, or hath he ſaid any thing concerning me ? Yea, he hath ſaid, Ifai. xli. 17, 18. “ When the poor and needy ſeek water, and there is none, and their tongue faileth for thirſt, I, the Lord, willl hear them, I, the God of Iſrael, will not forſake them. I will open rivers in dry places, and fountains in the midſt of the vallies. I will make the wilderneſs a pool of water, and the dry land ſprings of water." Hath he ſaid ſo ? Then