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take him at his word, put him to it, ſaying, Lord, do as thou haſt ſaid.

Oh ! but is there any word from God for me, who have been long waiting for ordinances, and never yet ſeen his glory, as I would deſire to ſee it ? What hath he ſaid concerning me ? Why, he hath ſaid, that he waits that he may be gracious, that he is a God of judgment, and bleſſed are all they that wait for him, Ifai. xxx. 18. He hath ſaid, " The viſion is for an appointed time, but at the end it will ſpeak and not lie : though it tarry, wait for it, becauſe it will ſurely come, and not tarry, Hab. i. 3. Hath he ſaid ſo ? Then take him at his word, and put him to it, ſaying, Do as thou haſt ſaid.

But is there any word from God concerning my caſe, that find my conſcience challenging me for prodigious guilt ? Hear what he faith, Heb. viii. 12. " I will be merciful to your unrighteouſneſs, and your ſins and your iniquities will I remember no more. Iſai. xlii. 25. I, even I, am he that blotteth out thy tranſgreſſions for mine own ſake, and will not remember thy ſins." O then ! take hold of his word, wherein he proclaims indemnity, and put him to it, ſaying, Lord, do as thou haſt ſaid.