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But, ſays another, is there any word from God concerning me, that am compaſſed about with ſtrong corruptions and conquering luſts, that ſin gets the maſtery over me ? Would you be delivered ? Hear what he faith, Mic, vii. 19. " He will ſubdue our iniquities, and will caſt our ſins into the depths of the ſea. Rom. vi. 14. Sin ſhall not have dominion over you, for ye are not under the law, but under grace. Ifai. lxiii. 4. The day of vengeance is in mine heart, and the year of my redeemed is come." Hath he promiſed to take vengeance on your lufts ? Then take him at his word, ſaying, O do as thou haſt ſaid.

But is there any word ſaid to me that am ſuch a filthy monſter, ſuch a polluted creature in heart and way, that am ſtinking, as it were, in the grave of ſin ? He hath ſaid, Ezek. xxxvi. 26. “ From all your filthineſs, and from all your idols will I cleanſe you. Zech. xiii. 1. There is a fountain opened to the houſe of David, and to the inhabitants of Jeruſalem, for ſin and uncleanneſs. Is there a promiſe of cleanſing ? Then take him at his word, and cry, LORD, do as thou haſt ſaid.