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( 13 )

But is there any word to me a backſlider, a grievous revolter, that many times after vows have made inquiry ; my promiſes and reſolutions have been but paper-walls before the fire of temptation ? Are you afflicted with this, and would have relief ? Behold he ſays, Jer. jii. 22." Return, ye backſliding children, and I will heal your backſlidings.” Hof. xiv. 4. I will heal your backſlidings, and love you freely. I will be as the dew to Ifrael.” Hath he ſaid ſo ? Then let your heart ſay, LORD, do as thou haſt ſaid.

But what doth God ſay to me, that have no ſtrength for my duty or difficulty, that am weak like water ? Would you have relief in this caſe ? God ſays, 2 Cor. xii. 9. " My grace ſhall be ſufficient for thee ; and my ſtrength ſhall be made perfect in thy weakneſs. Ifai. xl. 29. He giveth power to the faint, and to him that hath no might he increaſeth ſtrength.” Doth he ſay ſo ? Then put him to his word, ſaying, LORD do as thou haſt ſaid.

But is there any word concerning me, that am brought to a great difficulty, and know not what to do, or what hand to turn to ; I am ſtraitened what courſe