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to take : doth God ſay any thing to me ? Yes, he doth : Ifa. xliii. 16. “ I will bring the blind by a way they know not, I will lead them in paths that they have not known. I will make darkneſs light before them, and crooked things ſtraight. Ifaiah xxx. 22. Thine ears ſhall hear a voice behind thee, ſaying, This is the way, walk ye in it. I will guide thee by my counſel." Doth he ſay ſo ? Then put him to his word, ſaying, do as thou haſt ſaid.

But what ſays God to a poor ſoul that is haraſſed with the temptations of the devil, and ready to be deſtroyed with the fiery darts of the wicked one ? God ſays, “ I will bruiſe the head of the ſerpent. Rom. xvi. 10. The God of peace ſhall bruiſe Satan under your feet ſhortly. For this cauſe was the Son of God manifeſted, to deſtroy the works of the devil.” Hath he begun to deſtroy him ? and hath he ſaid, “ Thou ſhalt bruiſe him under thy feet ?”. Then put him to his word, ſaying, LORD, do as thou haſt ſaid.

Alas ! But what ſays God to a poor deſtitute creature that hath nothing, no good, no ſtrength ? He ſays, Phil. iv, 19. My God shall ſupply all your wants, according to his riches in glory,