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aſſurance indeed, becauſe you want faith, and cannot take his word, nor give him ſo much credit. But, if any be ſaying, that is indeed my caſe ; I cannot believe his word : doth GOD ſay nothing to me ? Yes, there are promiſes of faith as well as to it : Zeph. iii. 12. “ I will leave in the midſt of them a poor and afflicted people, and they ſhall truſt in the name of the LORD. In him ſhall the Gentiles truſt." Hath the author of faith ſo promiſed ? Then, O take him at his word ; cry for faith, ſaying, LORD, do as thou haſt ſaid.

But one may ſay, I would deſire not only to have the word, but the accompliſhment of the word : I would not only have the promiſe, but the performance ; and there are ſome promiſes I have been looking to, ſome ten or twenty years ; old promiſes, that I think I got the faith of ; but alas ! the accompliſhment is not yet come ; there are ſome prayers and petitions I have had long tabled upon the ground of the promiſe : What doth God ſay to one that hath never got theſe promiſes accompliſhed, nor theſe prayers anſwered ? Why, man, be thankful, if you have