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got grace to believe the promiſe ; for ſo much faith as you have to take God's word, ſo much aſſurance you have that the word will be made out. If you be waiting upon a promiſing God, give him his time, and behold the womb of the promiſe will ſhortly open and bring forth ; for it will not travel beyond its time : " Bleſſed is ſhe that believed : for there ſhall be a performance of theſe things that were told her from the LORD." Luke i. 4.5. And your fits and ſtarts of unbelief, O believer, ſhall not hinder the performance of the promiſe you have once believed ſavingly ; “ If we not, he abideth faithful ; he cannot deny himſelf," 2 Tim. ii. 13. Will he deny his word ? Will he deny his oath ? No, no ; he will have reſpect to his covenant, becauſe he hath a reſpect to himſelf.

But, what ſays God of one that is afflicted and mourning for the deſolation of Zion, and particularly for the ſins and defections of the day we live in ? I will tell you what he ſays, They that ſow in tears ſhall reap in joy. And though you have your mourning time for Zion, you ſhall alſo have your rejoicing times ; " Rejoice ye with Jeruſalem,