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and be glad with her, all ye that love her : rejoice for joy with her, all ye that mourn for her,” Ifai. Ixvi. 10. He ſays, that he will ſet " a mark upon the foreheads of them that ſigh and cry for all the abominations that are done in the midſt thereof," Ezek. ix. 4. " Bleſſed are they that mourn, for they ſhall be comforted," Matth. v. 4. Why, then look to him to do as he hath ſaid.

But faith another, I am one that has a family, and children that the LORD hath given me, and it is my concern not only that I may be bleſſed myſelf, but that my feed and offspring nay be bleſſed : Is there any word for me in this caſe ? Yea, what think ye of that word, Ifai. xliv. 3. “ I will pour my Spirit upon thy feed, and my bleſſing upon thine offspring ?" What think ye of that covenant made with Abraham, which you are called to lay hold upon by following his faith ! Gen. xvii. 7. “ I will be thy God, and the God of thy feed." You have not only the covenant of Abraham to look to, but the ſame entail of the covenant to your poſterity