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by word and rod ? Is there any caſe like mine, or is there any word for me to lay hold upon ? Yes, what think you of that werd, Ifai. lvii. 17, 18. " For the iniquity of his covetouſneſs was I wroth, and ſmote him : I hid me and was wroth, and he went on frowardly in the way of his heart." Well, what follows ? " I have ſeen his ways and will heal him : I will lead him alſo, and reſtore comforts unto him, and to his mourners." O aſtonishing wonder of free grace ! that it was not ſaid, I have ſeen his ways and Will damn him, but I have ſeen his ways and will ſave him. Hath he ſaid ſo ? Then put in your petition, LORD, do as thou haſt ſaid.

But is there any word to ſuch as are under the power of unbelief and impenitency ? The goſpel is preached to believers and penitents : O God forbid but it was preached to ſinners that are both unbelieving and impenitent, in order to bring them to faith and repentance : Why, what faith God to ſuch ? He faith, that they ought to lay hold and plead upon Pſalm cx. 3. " Thy people ſhall be willing in the day of