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his power.” Acts v. 31. “ Chriſt is exalted at the right-hand of God to be a Prince and a Saviour, to give repentance to Iſrael, and forgivenneſs of fins.” Plead then that he may do as thou haſt ſaid.

But is it poſſible that God is ſpeaking to one that hath been a notorious ſinner ? Perhaps all the country knows that I have been a ſcandalous debauchee, a lewd and wicked ſinner, a profane graceleſs wretch. O ! if ſuch were charmed with the joyful ſound of the goſpel-grace to-day, he faith, Ifai. i. 18. " Come, now let us reaſon together, faith the LORD, though your ſins be as ſcarlet, they ſhall be white as ſnow ; though they be red like crimſon, they ſhall be as wool." Though you have ſinned to the uttermoſt, I am able to ſave to the uttermoſt. Is your name wonderful, as a ſinner ? Behold his name is Wonderful, as a Saviour. O hath he ſaid ſo ? Well, go and plead his word, ſaying, LORD, do as thou haſt ſaid.

But is there any word from God for one that hath crucified ſo many convictions as I have done ; yea, and virtually crucified the SON of GOD afreſh, rejecting